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“Yep. That’s an O.” I cut up a banana and tossed some blueberries in a bowl with them. He was a big fruit eater.

Kaitlyn was sleeping. I knew she was exhausted after last night. After everything.

She had gone above and beyond for Sasha.

Grayson shoved a banana slice in his mouth. “Mmm.”

God, I didn’t know if my heart had ever been this full. I loved that girl. And if she hadn’t been the one to convince me to take a chance. To break the rules. I don’t know where Grayson and I would be.

She had done everything for him. There was a calendar on the fridge with his snack schedule and show and tell days for preschool. She made sure he was ready for picture day, and that he had play dates with other kids.

She held him when he cried. She slept next to him when he had his earache.

And then there was my fucking accident. She put up with more than anyone should have to. And what did she do? She loved me through every second of it.

I was whole because of her.

I knew before the wedding last night. I knew before she told me about the baby. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

“Hey, Grayson, want to help me surprise Kaitlyn?”

His round eyes gleamed. “Surprise? Like birthday?”

I laughed. “Sort of. A little different. Can you sit here a second?”

He nodded, occupied with his cheerios.

I kept a fireproof safe in the back of his closet. I grabbed the key from the kitchen drawer and walked to Grayson’s room. I stuck the key in the lock and twisted it until it was open.

I held the ring box in my hand. It was the one thing I had from my mother that meant anything to me. I cracked the lid. The diamond glittered even after all these years. I snapped the lid shut and walked back to the kitchen.

“Ok. Here’s what we’re going

to do,” I explained to Grayson. “I need you to draw a picture for Kaitlyn, ok?” He nodded. “I’ll get her breakfast ready and then we’re going to surprise her with this present.” I held up the ring box.

“I wanna see.” He jumped to try to grab it from me.

I put it in his hands. It was his future too.

“Wow.” He looked at the ring. Yeah, it was wow.

“Ok. You get to work on the picture. Here are the crayons. I’ll make pancakes.”

Twenty minutes later we had a display put together on a tray. Kaitlyn had used this a hundred times to bring me snacks and meals when my leg was healing.

I hoped with the cloth napkin and the flowers from the garden that it carried a different message.

I was so fucking nervous. I swallowed hard.

“Let’s go.” I nudged Grayson forward as he tottered down the hall. He pushed the bedroom door open.

Kaitlyn stretched her arms wide and he climbed on the bed with her.

“Good morning.” She smiled.

“Good morning.” She looked gorgeous.

“Surprise.” Grayson giggled.
