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Like birds flying south

Tourists leaving town

Before you go, give me one more night on the beach

So I can hold you in my arms and kiss you deep

They say summer love comes and goes

Comes and goes

Like birds fling south

Tourists leaving town

The meaning of the words started to sink into my head as he looked directly into my eyes. For a moment, it felt like he could see deep into my soul, but surely that couldn’t be? Did he mention their swing in the song, and their nights on the beach? It felt personal and intimate. Almost as intimate as giving her body to him.

No guy had ever sung me a song, much less written one that hit me from all sides.

“He’s really good.” Emily interrupted my thoughts. “Can you believe he wrote it?”

I shook my head. “He mentioned he played open mic nights. But this? I had no idea.”



One full set and an encore later, I retired to the bar to enjoy a well-deserved beer. Or five.

“You were great tonight, man.” Cole slapped me on the back. “The girls were loving it.”

“Thanks.” I settled onto a bar stool and swigged the cool liquid.

“I think I have your two newest fans here. They might want autographs.”

“Seriously, Cole? Enough with the fan boy stuff.” I saw Sierra and Emily from high school approach from behind my tall cousin.

“You were amazing, Blake,” Emily exclaimed. She leaned in for a hug. I hadn’t seen her in a long time. I remembered she knew Sierra’s secret and had kept it. I didn’t know whether that made her a loyal friend or someone I should be wary of.

“Thanks. Good to see you.”

For some unexplainable reason, Sierra seemed a tad tongue-tied and nodded her head in my direction.

“Come here, darlin’.” I pulled her between my legs. “You look like you could use a drink.”

“No Long Island Ice Teas though.” She cracked a smile.

“What do you say we have one drink and hit the road?” I asked.

“If we can make it past your adoring fan club,” Sierra quipped. “You’re quite the local celebrity. Or national celebrity. I’m sort of confused right now.”

“Don’t get so testy, darlin’,” I battled back. “I just like to sing some songs every now and then. No big deal. I didn’t even know you were showing up.”

“I didn’t either. Emily suggested it.”

I nodded at her friend.

“Maybe I should head on back,” Emily piped in. “You can take care of this one?” She pointed to Sierra.
