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I remembered why I had Rick handle this shit for me. I didn’t care about these kinds of details. I never pretended I wanted to be a role model.

If it wasn’t for her bright blue eyes and those lips, I wouldn’t even think about overlooking the fact that she was stuffy, controlling, and uptight. I could tell she was one of those women who liked to steer the ship. She probably stuck to a locked itinerary. It didn’t take five minutes with her to realize she was inflexible.

But I wasn’t the kind of man who shied away from a challenge. There was something about her. A strong energy that soared around her. An energy I suddenly wanted to harness. Fuck, it made me hard just thinking about it.

She exhaled.

“Are you finished?” I aske


She nodded. “For now.”

“If you’re done with the bloody lecture, I think I have a solution for you,” I announced. There was a way I could make this work to my advantage.

“You do?”

I walked over to the couch and grabbed the suitcases. What in the hell did she pack in these things? They were heavy as shit.

“What are you doing?” She chased after me in her heels, clacking along the floor.

“You’re coming with me.” I hauled the bags to the lift.

“I can’t go up there,” she protested. “They won’t let me.”

“You can have all the access you want if I take you.” I winked.

I saw the instant blush on her cheeks. “But now we only have ten minutes. I’ll get locked in. It’s not enough time,” she protested.

“Would you rather get locked in with me or get locked out without me?” I posed the question.

Her eyes darted back and forth. “I am here to represent Revolution. This isn’t a joke to me. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing right now, but I’m not amused, Mr. Kenzie. Nothing about this is funny to me. Millions are on the line. Millions. And all you can think about is a way to get me in your room for the night.”

“I’m trying to help you and listen to what Revolution needs,” I lied. “Did I imply it was something else?”

The lift doors retracted. I stepped inside. “I’m going to my room. Are you coming with me or going back to your hotel?”

I held up the bags. I could easily set them outside of the doors, but I waited while she sorted through her choices. Truth was I liked watching her squirm.

“Fine,” she huffed, stepping inside with me. “But—”

The doors closed behind her.

“But what?”

She folded her arms over her chest.

“This is about your contract with Revolution. We’re discussing the game and your behavior in Rio.”

“We’ll see.”

I smiled for the first time all day.



The elevator carried us to the twelfth floor. With each ding of the levels, my stomach did another flip. What in the hell was I doing? I was getting ready to spend my first night in Rio in the Olympic village. With Lachlan Kenzie.
