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My shoulders relaxed. “I do. Even more than you know.”

“If we’re going to fly out in the morning, there is a lot of planning we need to do. I still have to meet with Johannes this afternoon and I have to speak to Sutcliffe.”

“I should do that,” I volunteered. “He is my supervisor. He signed my oath to the crown. He should hear it from me.”

Nic locked his hands around my waist. “You’re still fulfilling that oath to the crown. Just in a different way.”

I nodded. “I know. But he won’t see it that way. It’s going to be a betrayal. A slap in the face. He’s never going to forgive my indiscretion.”

“And which indiscretion will he be upset about the most? The time I tasted your sweet little pussy in my closet? When I fucked you in front of the mirror? Or maybe when you sucked my cock this morning?”

My mouth dropped. “Nic!”

He laughed. “Face it. You are the dirtiest rule follower I’ve ever met.” He tugged at the pin holding my hair in a bun. I had gone back to my formal staff look for the morning. He ran his fingers through my hair. “You should always wear your hair down.”

“I’m not dirty,” I whispered, appalled he would say anything when we weren’t rolling in our lust.

He nodded, rounding his hands to my ass. He whispered in my ear. “Tell me right now you aren’t dying for me to deflower your sweet rosebud.”

My knees quivered and I almost lost my balance.

He laughed. “That’s what I thought. Dirty. Just the way I like it.”

I pinched my lips together. “Fine.” I tried to wiggle free. “You know what I like now.”

“And you know what I want.” He tilted my chin. “It’s a turn on, Kenley. You are a turn on.”

He brought me to his body and I felt his hardness through my skirt. “Ohh.”

“Yeah. Ohh. I have to make it through the rest of the day with a cock like solid rock because of you and your beautiful dirty mouth.”

He swept a kiss over my lips. I moaned, wanting more.

But we had a full day of events, meetings, and an international trip to plan. We couldn’t do this again. Not yet.

“I need to get this over with,” I announced.

He grasped my hand. “I’m not letting you walk into Sutcliffe’s office alone.”

I was surprised. “Really? You’re going with me?”

He nodded. “We’re doing all of this together. And maybe if we can check everything off our lists, I can bring you back to my bed before the sun goes down.”

“Yes, please.” I smiled.

“Then let’s get started. We’ve already pissed off an ambassador. Let’s see if we can burn the place down.”

I laughed nervously, knowing there was some truth in his joke. Sutcliffe was going to have our heads for this.



I’d had my ass handed to me many times as a boy. I’d always been the unruly prince. There was the dinner my parents had with Lord and Lady Cavanaugh when I let two lizards I found in the garden loose under their chairs. The lizards were both green and it wasn’t until they captured one that they realized it had a twin that was still hiding under the center pedestal.

Then there was the time Isabel’s friends were swimming at pool on summer break and I stole all their clothes and threw them over the racquet court fence. The nets were littered with cotton pink and white bras.

Not to mention, I had scared off every private tutor assigned to me. I put them through the wringer.
