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I straightened my back and walked toward the building.

Max Harrison’s office smelled like the back of the collections section of the library. Books were piled on every surface. There were leather-bound law volumes from every state. Some appeared to never have been opened.

I sat in a chair facing Max’s desk, while he searched for his evaluation form with my name on it.

“Found it!” he held it up.

I smiled.

“So tell me, Emily, how would you describe your first weeks at American?”

“Good. It’s been great. Everyone has been fantastic to work with.” I pinned on another grin.

“And your classes? How are those going?”

I nodded. “My students are great. I have no complaints.”

“And clin

ic? You’re in women’s issues. How is that going?”

Before I spit out “great” again, I paused. “Challenging,” I answered.

Max looked up. “Explain. What do you mean?”

“I don’t want this to sound like a complaint, but the clinic is severely understaffed. We can’t help everyone who needs it.”

“I see. And?” He pulled the tip of his goatee.

“Some days are more frustrating than others,” I admitted. “I might see five new clients, only to leave the office with ten who are waiting when we lock the office. Sometimes I don’t think I can make a dent. We need more help. More people are needed to help at the women’s clinic.”

“Have you visited any of the other clinics we run?” he asked.

“No. I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t made the time.”

“Don’t be embarrassed. I was asking out of curiosity.” He leaned forward. “They’re all like that. All of them.”


He nodded. “We’re offering free legal services. All our clinics have record numbers of clients. And yes, we offer something special to a population of people who wouldn’t have help otherwise, but we’re overrun with a lot of cases that take up our time that maybe shouldn’t.”

I shook my head. “I haven’t found that to be true. All the women I’ve seen have needed help.”

He smiled. “I’m glad to hear that, Emily. Truly.” He scribbled something on my form and I wondered if it was “sucker.” “Do you have any questions for me? Need anything other than more attorneys at your disposal?” He made a jab at my expense.

“No. I’m fine. Thank you.”

“All right. I’ll see you for our next meeting.”

I stood to leave. I didn’t feel as if I had impressed Max Harrison or learned anything valuable for the program. I should have said something about how much I loved what I did. That I loved my class and the mentees. That working in the clinic was the most rewarding experience of my life. That I was preparing a huge case because of Lana Foley and what she had been through. But instead, I waited for Max to dismiss me.

“Bye.” I waved and closed the door behind me.

Maybe next month. I could always say more next month.

Chapter 11

I held Vaughn’s hand as he led me down a narrow staircase to a green door that was below street level. I was careful not to tip forward on my pointy heels. His fingers rubbed against mine and I shivered remembering how intimately we had touched last night. How I had given myself to him in a way that still made me feel raw and vulnerable. He touched the inside of my wrist with his thumb and I realized how much I liked the feelings.
