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I was ready to present my plan to Sophia. She and Adaline would move to Spain. The palace would coordinate the entire move. She wouldn’t have to do anything. I’d hire as many nannies as she wanted. There would be an entire staff to serve them. Adaline would have everything a princess should. Tutors, dance instructors, and any type of sport she wanted to pursue. My daughter would have everything. Including a father.

Kenley and I returned from our walk on the beach. I dusted the sand from my feet while Kenley made a stack of seashells on the deck.

“I didn’t know South Carolina was so pretty.” She smiled. “The queen is lucky she grew up here.”

“I keep forgetting that fact.” I put on my shoes. “Was it this same area?” There was a lot I didn’t know about my sister-in-law.

I still didn’t know exactly what made Sophia settle on Charleston. It was a charming city, but there was no connection I knew of. We’d never talked about it, and never visited. I couldn’t think of a reason she had chosen this city over any other in the world.

Someone from the grounds crew pruned the hedges close to the pool.

I rested my hand on the banister and looked at the sea. “I never do this in Freychon.”

“What’s that?”

“Walk on the beach. Stand still.”

Kenley took the steps toward me. “You could use more of this. We all could.”

I shook my head. “That’s not the life I have, is it? I have to help Damon run the country. I can’t clock out for a two-week trip to the beach.”

“Isabel has been gone for nearly two months. Why don’t you do that? Set aside some real time while you sort through everything with Sophia and Adaline.”

I eyed her. “I did take two months off.”

She bit her lip. “That’s not the same thing. You weren’t on a vacation. Maybe the king would consider it.”

“No. He needs me. I read the brief this morning. We’re in the middle of a labor crisis. The party is split on wages. I can’t walk during that.”

She sighed. “I think you’ll find he’s leaning more heavily on his cabinet. He could reorganize to take some of the burden off his brothers and sister. The family can fulfill an important role without running the government twenty-four-seven.”

I chuckled. “And here I thought you were a complete royal purest Kenley DuBois.”

She smirked. “I was. I mean, I am. Of course I am. But my love for the crown doesn’t mean I can’t see that the king can integrate more responsibilities into his cabinet. It’s his decision. He could free you and the rest of the family from the strain.” She adjusted her sunglasses to the top of her head. Her eyes nearly matched the color of the ocean. “He’s going to be a father. You are a father. Eventually, Isabel will marry, and your brothers will too. Your priorities are changing. The crown has to evolve.

“Damon has been right. Your family reflects the country. And this is what your citizens deal with. Life changes. Growing families. Merging lives and stumbling through parenthood. The citizens will embrace it. They understand that children change everything.”

“Where did all this come from?” I was dumbfounded. She had never been a proponent of changing the codes.

She looped her hands around my neck, drawing me closer to her lips.

“Would you believe me if I told you it sort of hit me in the shower?”

I laughed. “Explain some more,” I prodded. “I want to hear about you in the shower.”

“It was very hot and wet,” she teased.

I loved that sparkle of mischief in her eyes.

“But I was thinking about the crown.” Her lips pouted. “I was thinking about how you could spend more time with your daughter. It’s going to be nearly impossible, once your schedule resumes to full-time to coordinate with Sophia visits to see Adaline.”

“And your brain kicked into fixer gear, didn’t it?”

She nodded slowly. “It’s instinct.”

“I love that you’re trying to fix this for me.”
