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Sophia placed her mug on the coffee table. “If you think for one second you can change my mind or fix this, you’re wrong, Kenley. She’s my daughter. You don’t get to voice your opinion this time. It’s not about you and your angles.” She used air quotes in an irritating way.

I realized there may be some pent-up frustration surfacing. Had she resented the way I handled news about their relationship? Did she disagree with the tactics I used as Nic’s manager? How much of her anger now was from our interactions years ago?

I couldn’t dig two years in the past. I needed to help the man I loved bridge this divide. That one was over.

“You know him,” I began. “He isn’t going to back down about this. He never will. And can you blame him? You hid his child.” I shook my head. “That decision has been made, but what you decide now can either make life easy or difficult.”

Her mouth opened in protest.

“I’m not threatening you. I’m warning you. I’m telling you Nic is going to come after you with everything he has if you put up a fight. Right now, he has a soft spot for you, or at least he did twenty minutes ago. He believes you wanted to give Adaline a normal life, but he’s right. She can’t have this.” I waved my hands around. “Without you recognizing she’s a tiny princess. He wants her to be safe. I know you want that too.” I watched Adaline move from the blocks to a stack of board books.

“So what does the fixer propose?” Sophia asked. “I’m sure you have a solution. You always do.” She folded her arms across her chest. “But I’m not moving to the palace. And I have no interest in Spain. I love it here. I have friends. I have a job I love at the gallery. My gallery is thriving here. Adaline has friends at the park and a nanny she adores. I’m not going to disrupt her life because Dominic demands it.”

“There has to be something you’re willing to offer as a compromise,” I urged. “It could be something small.”

She sighed. “He can see her. They can spend time together. That’s something.”

I nodded. It was probably a large concession, considering she had done everything she could to make sure he didn’t know about her.

“And of course, I’m willing to accept the security. I don’t like having agents around, but I understand. He’s right. If that nurse in France told anyone else, Addie could be in danger. I’ll accommodate the agents and any alarms or security systems he wants to install.”

“Ok. That will make him happy.” I smiled. “And I think everyone will sleep better.”

Sophia strummed her manicured nails on the mug. “It’s not that I don’t want Adaline to meet her uncles and aunts. And Galona is beautiful. But she can’t grow up there. Maybe summers.”

Just then Adaline waddled over and handed a stuffed panda bear to me.

“Thank you, love.” I smiled.

She ran to Sophia and climbed in her lap. “I don’t know that I’ll have more children,” she admitted. “I didn’t think I wanted any.” She laughed. “But as you can see, this one has changed everything. And I’m trying to do everything I can, Kenley. It’s not her fault she has a prince for a father.”

“No. It certainly isn’t. But he’s a wonderful father. Give him a chance. He loves her.”

The door opened and Nic walked in the house. “I’m sorry.” He looked at Sophia.

She sighed. “I know. I am too.” She extended her arms and he held Adaline.

There were many times he had melted my heart, but nothing compared to watching him with his daughter.



I hoped I had given Kenley enough time to put an end to Sophia’s madness. Adaline needed to know her father. And I hoped soon she would be a big sister. I couldn’t let my children grow up far from each other. I didn’t know what my life would be like without my siblings.

I depended on Kenley to talk reason into Sophia. She was the one person I trusted to solve this nightmare.

Sophia cleared her throat. “I have an exhibit to prepare at the gallery. It’s a large event and I’m going to be there until late tonight. I would be willing to cancel the sitter, if you’d like to spend time with Addie and watch her instead.”

“Done.” I answered.

“That would be wonderful.” Kenley smiled at Sophia. “We’re staying on the beach. Does Adaline like the ocean?”

Sophia nodded. “She does. I’ll pack her bag with plenty of sunscreen and her favorite snacks.”

“We have a chef,” I interjected. “She can have anything she wants.”

Sophia rolled her eyes. “She gets what she gets, and she doesn’t throw fits. Right, Addie?”
