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the positive test when we awakened.

His arms circled me and we fell asleep.



The staff was downstairs making lunch when I walked into the kitchen.

“Sir.” They nodded. The Americans hadn’t gotten used to addressing me with royal titles. I wondered what it would be like to like to live in a world where I wasn’t His Royal Highness.

I was riding a high I didn’t know existed. It was better than any binder I had been on. Why had I lived like that when this natural euphoria existed? Why hadn’t I had happiness in my life before?

Kenley was pregnant with my baby. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. I wanted to tell the chef. I wanted to run outside and tell Kurtis while he waxed the car.

I was swelling with pride. Something that shouldn’t have been a surprise was somehow an amazing shock. What did I expect? I fucked her day and night. We made love in the shower. On the deck. In the middle of the night. I couldn’t get enough of her. I loved every inch of her body. I loved every thought in her mind and emotion from her heart. Of course we had made a baby.

And now that she was pregnant I wanted to keep showing her how much I loved all of her. Our little pregnancy celebration this morning was only the beginning. I was going to worship her body for the next nine months. She would have everything she wanted. I swore to that.

I grabbed a few grapes and tossed one in my mouth.

“What’s for lunch?” I asked the chef.

“Chicken salad,” she answered. “Would you like something else? I can change the menu, sir,” she offered.

“No. That sounds good. Kenley likes chicken salad.”

I walked to the deck. There was a family on the beach a few houses down, making sand castles. The kids chased each other, while the parents kept trying to take pictures with their phones. I thought about the hundreds of pictures I already had of Adaline on my phone. In no time, it would have pictures of our new baby. I shook my head. Life was unbelievable.

Kenley appeared on the balcony. “You know when I was in Freychon I wondered what it would be like to be one of those people.” She pointed to the parents on the beach. “I thought I could never have a life like that.” Her eyes turned to mine. “But I think we can. I think we can have that life here, Nic.” Her fingers threaded through mine.

I nodded. “I think you’re right.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“I said I think you’re right. Let’s do it. Let’s buy the house. Let’s have the baby here. I’ll move the D.C. office. Adaline can have her own room. Let’s do it.”

I picked her up and she squealed. “This is crazy.”

“It’s fucking nuts. And my brother is going to kill me.”

I put her feet on the deck. “Should I call in a favor?” she asked.

My brow knitted together. “Let me guess. Molly?”

She shrugged. “If I tell her about the baby, I don’t see how they can say no.”

I palmed her belly. Nothing made me happier than knowing she was pregnant. Her hands clasped mine.

“You’re willing to give up the palace?” I prodded. “The grounds? The maids? The meetings? Awkward dinners with my mother?”

She laughed. “I’m afraid there will always be awkward dinners with your mother.”

“And what about the rest?”

“Adaline changed everything.” Her arms circled me. “And Sophia.”

“Did I hear that right?”
