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His eyes landed on the tops of my breasts, and I realized for the second time today how skimpy this suit was. Please, God, tell me he noticed.

“I—uh—thought I wasn’t being the best host. Here. Plenty of towels.” He shoved the stack into my arms, and shifted his sunglasses to the top of his head.

“This is too many. I don’t want you breaking any motel rules for me.” I chewed on my bottom lip, staring directly into the crystal blue eyes that caught me off guard every time I saw them.

“You need towels, don’t you? Just take them.” It seemed like this was his way of a peace offering even if his delivery was a little off.

“Thanks.” I held them in my arms, unsure what to say next. I searched for words, but couldn’t move past thanks. All of my banter melted under his stare. Damn him.

“You need anything else?” His eyes locked on mine.

I shook my head.

“I’ve gotta go—uh—” He stepped back and pulled his sunglasses over the bridge of his nose. “—fix something.” He backed up and walked toward the office.

I stood in the doorway, watching him hurriedly walk out of view. I was completely confused. He was hot and cold. It had been a long time since a guy had looked at me like that, but I recognized the look. It made me feel sexy, pretty, and just a little powerful, even if he did derail my ability to form a sentence. It was hard to ignore that every time he was around the energy in the air changed.

I closed the door and hooked the chain on the lock. I placed the stack on the bed and unraveled the top towel. Maybe a hot shower would help clear my head, and push the questions I had about Cole out of my mind.



My phone buzzed.

Hey, it’s Sasha from the Island Sun. Want to hang out at a beach party?

My prayers had been answered. The sweet girl from the hotel was asking me out.


I texted back as quickly as my fingers could tap the letters on the screen. A party sounded amazing. It was my second night in South Padre. And after the lazy day at the pool and reading everything I had downloaded on my E-reader before the trip, I was ready for a real night out. I could only take so much solitude.

Meet me at 9 at the Dune Scape beach boardwalk.

Thanks. See you then.

At nine o’clock, I closed the heavy room door. The Dune Scape parking lot was empty and all the other room lights were dark except for the room directly across from mine. I walked toward the motel’s boardwalk. After my shower, I intended to take a walk on the beach, but I fell asleep. I gave in to the nap.

Sasha was waiting for me. Her auburn hair was pulled in a ponytail, and she looked relaxed out of her resort uniform.

“Hey. I’m so glad you could make it.” She smiled.

“Me too. It was a long day.”

“How’s it going at the Dunes?” She stopped at the end of the boardwalk to kick off her flip-flops and collect them in her hand.

“It’s ok.” I followed her lead.

Sasha giggled. “It’s no resort, that’s for sure.”

“No, definitely not, but I appreciate the recommendation. I was desperate last night. I would have stayed anywhere.” I debated whether or not to fill her in on the backstory with Cole.

She grinned. “Well, I hope you’re not disappointed. This is an island party, so no grads here, but I think you’ll have fun. It’s a good group, even if they do get a little crazy sometimes.”

Once we hit the beach, I could see a glowing blaze about fifty yards from where we stood. The Dune Scape was one of the last hotels along Gulf Boulevard before the state park began.

“You can have fires out here?”
