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Chapter Nine


The apartments seemed empty when I walked off the elevator. There were blankets curled together on the couch and Gillian’s icepack on the floor. I carried the memostar under my arm. I tossed it on a library table, ignoring the fact that it was the single most important royal article in my possession.

I wanted to forget the conversation with Wallace had ever occurred. I wanted to throw that thing out the fucking window.

I pushed the kitchen door open. The air was warm and fragrant. I thought I smelled crepes. I hoped Rae had taken care of Gillian. I poked my head in my office. She wasn’t there either.

I scratched the back of my head, going from room to room, until I heard the sound of the guest shower. I couldn’t stop the sudden rush of need welling in my chest. I pictured her body wet and naked. Glistening under the water. Soft and curvy.

I’d wanted her since the first second I’d laid eyes on her. My bear wanted her even more. Knowing she was only a room away naked and waiting, was enough to make him tear through my skin.

I turned the handle on the door. “Gillian?”

I took a giant step inside the room. The bathroom door was cracked and steam escaped through the small sliver of space.

I thought about turning around, but my bear knew what he wanted. He wanted her. In every way. I wanted to take her to my bed. I wanted to lick her and suck her. I wanted to bury myself inside her. Get lost in her.

She could make me forgot today. She could help me erase tonight. She could be my escape. My sanctuary.

My mate.

My palm landed on the door as it swung open, revealing a view unlike anything I’d seen before. My heart stopped. My cock ached.

Holy fuck.

I could make out her silhouette through the steam. I pulled my bears chains, willing him to suppress the roar on my lips.

“Gillian,” I spoke her name slowly.

I waited for her to yell at me. To tell me to get the fuck out of the bathroom, but her eyes were locked on mine. She bit her lower lip, and I knew I had my invitation. The one I had been needing all day.

I peeled the T-shirt over my head and threw it on the counter. I yanked at my belt and pulled it through the loops. Each time I removed a piece of clothing I stopped and looked at her. Her eyes never left my gaze. I shoved my black boxer briefs to the floor and walked toward the shower.

I opened the door. Whoosh of steam circled my head. Gillian stepped toward me as the door clasped behind my back. I didn’t know if I expected her to be shy, or to try and play her American game of hard-to-get, but she fell into my arms soft and wet.

I took her lips. Kissing her hard and powerfully.

Our bodies melted together. Skin against skin, sliding and tangling as I explored her body with my hands.

Her head fell back. She moaned as her tits perked and hardened beneath my touch. God, was this the first time I had been with a woman who didn’t try to pepper me with questions or excuses? She didn’t put up walls. It was as if we started where that kiss had left off. We had only one mission in mind. We were going to spend the rest of the night burning the sheets to ash.

Chapter Ten


Liam’s tongue traced over my collarbone as his head lowered and his kisses moved to my breasts. I inhaled sharply when he pulled one of my nipples between his teeth. It was exquisite torture. Sensual and erotic. He tugged and teased until I thought I would start begging him to do more. To take more.

I knew I was losing control of my breath. He knelt before me, taking his time to plant himself on the shower floor. I dared to look in his eyes. They smoldered with so much lust and desire. A ripple of naughtiness cut through me when I realized just how quickly this was going. But I didn’t want to stop now. I wanted this. I wanted him to do all the things I knew he was capable of. I wanted an epic orgasm after the shitty day I had. I deserved one. And right now, I deserved to come by a prince.

He pressed his mouth to my heat and growled.

My eyes widened. The sound vibrated to my core. How in the hell did he do that?

“So ready and ripe,” he groaned. “So fuckably sweet, love.”

His eyes lifted to mine as the water splashed around us. His hair started to get wet and I could picture him the way I did when we first met. He was a soaking sexy mess then and an even sexier one now. The droplets of water dripped from his long beautiful lashes.
