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“What? Are you going to lock me up in a palace tower somewhere?”

“I wouldn’t test that theory.” I hopped from the bed. “I’ll do what I have to do.”

“Liam, I was kidding. Tell me you are too.”

I exhaled. “I won’t lock you up.” But it wasn’t the worst idea out there if it meant she wouldn’t get hurt. I couldn’t just hand her over to the crew that had let her get hurt in the first place.

“How do you expect to continue to work with that kind of bruise? You’re going to get hurt again.” I pointed to her arm.

“There is a makeup team. They can work magic. No one will ever see it. I’m going to be careful with it.”

I stood in front of her. “I can’t let you do this, Gillian.”

“It’s not up to you,” she huffed. “We met yesterday. Last night and this morning were amazing, but the longer you keep talking like a caveman, the quicker I’m likely to forget just how fun they were.”

I closed my eyes. We were both mad as hell. Both stubborn. Both used to getting what we wanted.

“Then I’m going with you to the set.”

Her jaw dropped.

I smirked. “And there’s nothing you can do about that. You’re in my country. My city. And you’re going to have to play by my rules.”

Chapter Fourteen


Every time Lance gave me instructions I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder at Liam. He was off to the side, watching everything I did. It felt overprotective, yet I knew somehow I was safer. No one else on the crew had cared about my well-being as much as he had. That much was obvious. During our argument in the bedroom I didn’t think I could handle his alpha nature, but after a little makeup sex, I changed my mind. He blew me away.

Sally touched up my mascara. It had started to smudge under my eye.

“I can’t believe the prince is with you,” she whispered, running the wand over my lashes.

“Yeah, I guess that’s kind of a crazy story.” I blushed.

She giggled. “It certainly does add color to your cheeks when he’s around.”

“I’m trying to play it cool,” I explained. “But not doing a very good job.”

She shrugged. “If there was ever a time in my boring life that a prince looked at me once, or twice, I wouldn’t play games. I’d go for it with everything I had.”

“Really? You wouldn’t care about all the royal rules? The protocol?” I paused. Liam was on the phone. “The security? The paparazzi?” I asked keeping my voice soft.

Her eyebrows rose. “Someone thought about royal life all night.”

I groaned. “Not like that I didn’t. I swear.”

“Mmmhmm.” She added lipgloss to my lips. She didn’t believe a word of what I said.

I scrambled out of the chair, grabbing my arm when I hit it on the side of the makeup chair. “Ouch.” I winced at the reminder of the pain.

“You ok, honey?” Sally looked at me.

“Fine. Completely fine,” I lied. I had become a strong negotiator this morning. I approached Liam like I approached a new contract. I wasn’t going to budge until I got ninety percent of what I wanted. I made him agree not to utter a single word about what Dr. Fines said. As far as the crew knew, I had a bump on the arm. It was checked out, and I was cleared to work.

As long as Liam let me work, I’d let him

stay. He agreed.
