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“Sir, we still have the other matter at the palace.” Charles turned from the front seat to remind me.

I immediately raised the glass barrier between the seats. This was my priority now.

“Do you want something for the pain before we arrive?” I pulled a bottle of bourbon from the travel bar.

She shook her auburn head. The water droplets slid down her neck. I followed one all the way between her breasts. “No. I think I should wait and see what the doctor says. Thank you, though.”

She clutched her arm higher.

“Here.” I pulled my jacket from my arms. “This might help some.” I wrapped it against her arm and tied the sleeves together, applying pressure to where she was hurt. I let go to see if it would hold. “Any better?”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

“I take it you’re an actress?” I asked.

“That obvious?”

I shrugged. “The cameras gave it away.”

She laughed. “And I take it you’re in the royal family?”

“You noticed that?”

She bit her lip playfully. “The Your Highness gave it away.”

I chuckled. “What are you filming?”

She settled into the seat as we approached a red light. “It’s the season finale for Vampire Heart. But you can’t tell anyone.” She tilted her chin toward me.

“Should I lie and tell you I know what that is?”

Her mouth dropped open. “You’ve never heard of the show? I guess that’s actually refreshing. I rarely go anywhere without someone wanting a selfie.”

“I don’t watch much TV to be honest. Occupational issue.”

“And your occupation is?”

The scratchy military-issue T-shirt clung to my skin. I peeled it over my head despite the gasp from Gillian.

“I can’t remember the last time I sat this close to someone who didn’t know I was Prince Liam of the House of Marquis.”

“A prince? Really?”

I pressed my lips together. “Afraid so.” I withheld the apart about how we were destined to spend our lives together. She wasn’t in any kind of shape to hear that information right now.

She grimaced. Her pretty eyes closed.

“You don’t like princes?”

She shook her head. “No. Sorry, just my entire shoulder feels like it’s on fire. I think it’s getting worse.”

“We’re almost there. It’s only a few blocks around the corner. I’ll make sure you see the family doctor.”

“Family doctor?” She held her breath.

“The royal medical team is the best in the country.”

“At this point I’d see a medicine man. I just want to know what I did to my arm. It has to be better by tomorrow. Now we have to re-shoot the fountain scene, and I have a fight scene at the cathedral.”
