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Dirty Play


Naughty Notes

I’ve always loved the Olympics. Always. Who doesn’t love two weeks when the world can come together and just play games? It’s amazing, right?

Putting my patriotism aside, the other part of it is two solid weeks of the hottest, sexiest athletes on the planet performing every day.

I started toying around with the idea of a fun series about what happens in the Olympic village. Because Rio is going to be hot, hot, hot! What do these guys do when they aren’t training? Or what happens when they win and they stick around for the rest of the games? What do they really do during their down time? I started to research what happens inside the village and I couldn’t turn off the stories that started rolling around in my head. I HAD to write this series this summer.

I wanted these books to be fun and sexy. Forget all the international politics and the zika problems. Just fantasize that somewhere in Rio an incredibly hot Australian swimmer falls head over heels for a beautiful American girl.

Let’s face it. We all need some fun, and a place to escape where zika isn’t a reality.

So, what’s next?

I’ve got two more sexy Alpha Athlete books headed your way this summer. Keeper is about a devilish British soccer player and Penetrate is about a delicious beach volleyball player—both take place at the summer games in Rio. Get out your flags and cheer for your favorite star. These two books are just as sexy, quirky, and exciting as Plunge.

Thank you for reading and reviewing. Y’all are the best!

I can’t wait to write more for you.

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Keeper Preview


I pulled a pair of sunglasses over my eyes. I didn’t want anyone to know I was still fighting a bloody hangover. Fuck, it probably didn’t matter. The opinions were out there. The judgements about me had already been made. I stumbled through the revolving door and threw a hand toward the sky to block the glare from the sun.

Shit. Rio was a fucking sauna.

“Bloody hell,” I grumbled.

The bus gushed with a puff of diesel exhaust. I coughed and tossed my bags onto the different piles. One set was going to the stadium with us for practice, while the other would be delivered to our rooms in the Olympic village.

Since when did South American winters include a massive heat wave?

“Lach, nice of you to show.” I heard the wanker’s voice before I saw his smug face.

I scowled at Alex Conley. “What the fuck do you care?” I spit.

“Didn’t say I did.”

He was dressed in a full three-piece suit. His hair was slicked back and his face was clean shaven. I could smell the cologne rolling off of him. Did he think we were headed to a photo shoot? Prick. He turned his back to me and climbed on the bus. Even his shoes were shiny. I looked down at my trainers.

Ever since the team picked up that arrogant asshole, he and I had fought as if we were still rivals, not teammates. It was hard to put aside our differences for the games. “For the good of the country” didn’t apply when I had to share colors with that arse. There would always be bad blood between us.

My phone buzzed. I pulled it from the back pocket of my jeans and wiped the screen clean with my T-shirt to read the first alert that popped up. Fuck. My name was plastered everywhere. I scrolled through the posts before shoving the cell in my pocket again.

I was the last one on the bus and took a seat in the back as the driver closed the doors and the wheels jerked forward. I kept my head down. I’d already heard the guys muttering about my epic night out. The fucking press had followed me everywhere I went.

And then there were the pictures.
