Page 329 of Sweet Satisfaction

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“Of course I’m taking her,” I spoke up. I grabbed her hand against her knee and grinned. “Sexiest date on the island belongs to me.” I winked .

Alex laughed. “Then I’ll see you there .”

Sierra twisted her full lips together. I could tell I had taken her off guard .

“Yep. You’ll see us there .”

Alex walked away to join the guys in his bachelor party. He was going to be a groom with one hell of a hangover tomorrow .

“Wedding?” Sierra cocked an eyebrow up .

“What? He looked disappointed. And I need a date .”

“And you’re sure you want me to be that date ?”

My palms lifted to her face, drawing her to me. “I want you, Sierra Emory. You hear me ?”

She nodded as I took her lips. I didn’t care if everyone in this damn bar saw me kiss the hell out of her. She was mine. And it was time I made sure she knew exactly how I felt. Things had been off today. We had fought. We had fallen back together .

And tonight we would love each other until the sun came up .

* * *

I walked with Sierra up the steps to the back door. She had been quiet on the way home. I knew she wanted to talk. But that was the farthest thing on my mind. I stood next to the swing while she fiddled with the keys .

I brushed her blond tresses from her shoulders so that her hair cascaded down her back .

Sierra’s eyes closed from the contact .

I looped my fingers through her hair, feeling the silkiness. I breathed into her neck. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do out here ?”

Her eyes fluttered open. “What’s that ?”

If she thought we were going to have some big talk, I had to shut it down. Talking was not on the menu .

“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise me something first .”

My hands slipped to her hips. I pulled on the edges of her short skirt .

She nodded. “What’s the promise .”

“No talking.” A mischievous grin spread across my face .

Sierra laughed. “You don’t want to talk ?”

I pushed my finger to her lips and eyed her. “Do you promise or not ?”

She tried to arrange her face to make it look serious. “Ok. I promise .”

“Good girl .”

My mouth pressed against hers, willing her to part her lips for me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as the kiss in the summer night turned into something primal. She bit at my bottom lip, and then sighed when I crashed my lips harder against hers .

“I’ve always wanted you on that swing .”

She opened her mouth to tell me no. But I cut her off with one glance .

“And tonight. You are mine on that swing .”

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