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He didn’t have to say anything for me to know he ached for me too. My legs opened, clasping my heels against his lower back and he pushed inside me.

We both groaned with pleasure. His thrusts were skillful. He had all the leverage he needed, standing on two feet. It was as if there was a symphony being played between us. The crescendo building and climbing with each breath. With each pump. With each beat of our hearts.

It grew louder, followed by a softer rhythm. The speed followed by lulls. I cried for my release, but he denied me. I clawed at the bed. I dug my heels into his back, but AJ was in control. I had given him that.

I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to wrap myself around him. I wanted more of his body. How we would accomplish all that without hurting his arm was the problem we were trying to work around.

“The chair,” I moaned. “I need more of you.”

AJ’s head swiveled. “You just want to be on top,” he teased.

“Please.” My plea was raspy.

He took a step backward, offering his hand to me. He sat on the chair. I let the rest of the costume slide off my shoulder and fall on the floor. I immediately straddled him, sucking his shaft deep inside me.

“Oh God,” I cried, my head fell backward. AJ’s tongue ran along my throat.

He held me close. Our lips met. We kissed as if we could never be satisfied. He bit the corners of my mouth. Our tongues braided together while I rode up and down.

“I can’t undo what’s been done,” he whispered in my ear.

The friction between us was like wildfire. “I don’t want you to.”

“I do love you.”

I smiled. “I love you too.”

My hips rocked forward until I cried out.

His teeth sank into my shoulder as I screamed, “AJ!”

We shook together. Our climaxes claiming us. Wracking our bodies with pulses so strong and intense I thought we’d collapse on the floor.

I wiped the sweat from his brow. His hair was damp around his ears and his neck.

“I don’t think this was Dr. Wexler approved,” I joked.

He curled a strand of my hair through his fingers, watching it fall from his hand. I wished I could read his thoughts. He seemed like he was a million miles away. I didn’t know how that was possible after what we experienced.

“No, I doubt Dr. Wexler would approve of any of this.”

Chapter Twelve

I slept restlessly. I thought maybe some of that night five years ago had crept into my dreams. I thought about it often. I opened my eyes. AJ was sitting on the floor. His eyes fixed on the door. His gun resting in his lap. I rubbed my face.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Six,” he answered.

“When did I fall asleep?” I felt a little dizzy.

“Do you want a time or a sex count?”

I pinched my lips together. “If I had a pillow, I’d throw it at you.”

He chuckled. “Probably around 3.”

I pulled the top blanket off my naked body. The candles had burned down to wax puddles.
