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He lifted the tray and waved the curtain under the top shelf to the side. He patted underneath and checked the wheels. He then used an electronic wand with a miniature screen to scan the cart a second time. It beeped and a light blinked green.

“All clear,” he reported.

I moved out of the way to let the waiter steer the cart inside the suite. The smell of the burgers made my stomach rumble more. I was tempted to tear into one now. The waiter placed the silver trays on the dining room table. I handed him a large bill and thanked him. It had to be intimidating to deliver food through armed guards. He deserved something extra.

When the suite was empty again, I unveiled one of the platters. Hotel food had never looked so good. I sat across from AJ’s empty seat wondering what the FBI had done with him.

Chapter Nineteen

I shot straight up in bed when I heard the door to the bedroom close. I was startled I hadn’t heard it open first or heard footsteps in the suite. I couldn’t shake the panic I felt. I should have been more alert. I should have been prepared.

“AJ.” I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him standing in the doorway. I had fallen asleep in my clothes. I felt the side of my face, imprinted from the crease in the pillow.

“Hey, babe.” He struggled to keep his eyes open and there were blueish circles under his lashes.

“What time is it?” I ran my hands through my hair, trying to wake myself.

“You should go back to sleep. It’s late. Or early, however you want to look at it.”

The lights were on in the room. I don’t know how I fell asleep, other than at some point my body gave up fighting. I wanted to tell him what I had discovered. I had my first lead on the stalker. But the way he looked made me doubt he could process a single thing I said to him. What had the FBI done?

“Are you all right?” I pushed off the mattress to walk toward him. “You look terrible.”

“I’m exhausted. It was a long day. How are you? You got food. I saw the trays in the kitchen.”

“I ordered something for you, but it’s cold now. I could try to call room service.” I doubted they were open, but it was worth an attempt. “Or I could reheat your plate in the oven. We might as well take advantage of that big kitchen.”

“No. No. Don’t go to the trouble.” He shook his head. He turned off one of the lamps. “I’m going to take a shower. I just want to climb in bed and sleep next to you. I want this damn day to be over.”

I was too tired to argue with him about all the things we needed to talk about. We were both in our own hazes. It wasn’t as if we could do anything about it in the middle of the night. I spotted the clock next to the bed. It was 4am.

“I just need five minutes. Just five.” He stumbled to the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and the water in the shower run.

I trailed behind him, brushing my teeth and splashing my face with water from the sink.

I pulled the tank top over my head and slipped the gray pants off my ankles. I peeled the sheets back on the giant king bed and slid underneath, waiting for AJ. It wasn’t long before the bathroom door opened and he stopped at the end of the bed. He dropped the towel on the floor and climbed in next to me. The king-sized bed felt smaller with him in it.

I rolled toward him, smiling when I heard the rumble from his chest.

“Mmm, you smell good.” I nuzzled against his chest. I traced over his damp skin with my fingers. “Are you really ok?” I asked.

“Yes. I’m ok. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m sorry I was gone all night. I wanted to call but I left my phone in the suite.” He pulled me tighter, wrapping his arms against my back. My body aligned with his. My breasts rubbed against his chest, the friction just enough to make the buds harden with the movement.

“I know. I was about to call you when I found it on the bedside table.”

“Syd.” His palms rounded to my ass. He squeezed, tugging me against his hips. I felt how aroused he was. His pulsing shaft pressed into my belly.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” I feathered my fingers through his hair.


just need you,” he answered.

I understood.

We didn’t need more words. He didn’t have to tell me how much he needed this. We would consume each other until we had no strength left.

He lifted my thigh over his leg. I rocked into him, locking our bodies together. He ran his cock through my wetness, coating himself with a deep groan. I held on, knowing the impact of how our bodies fused together. He pushed inside me and I whimpered with how fast it all happened. I was filled and awakened by the way my body adjusted to his. I was heated and burned by his roughness.
