Page 107 of Double Daddy Trouble

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“Thank you for being here.” Steve straightened his tie before he continued.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Vanessa. She wore a pale pink suit. It made her look like a fucking angel. I swallowed hard.

“As you all know, it’s been a rough time for the team. We are still coming to terms with the passing of Mr. McCade. You’ll notice the team uniforms this season will be embroidered with a patch carrying the initials MC. To his friends he was known as Mac. It’s the way his team has decided to honor him as we start the season.” Steve took a sip of water. He looked more nervous than usual. “It’s going to be a tough season without our leader. But, I asked you here today to share some happy news.”

He glanced at Vanessa. “You’ve probably noticed our new owner, Vanessa McCade has joined me, along with star wide receiver Dylan James.”

There was a rumble of questions and speculations that came from the press that flanked us. The cameras were already going off. I didn’t know what kind of hell would break loose when he told them the news.

“Sometimes in tragedy, we find hope.” I had to keep my eyes from rolling in the back of my head. Since when was Steve a fucking poet? “We find comfort and friendship. And you know that’s true with football. This is a family. A place where people lean on each other. Where the Warriors can count on each other. And in this case, tragedy has turned into love.”

I closed my eyes. This bullshit was almost too much for me to take. And I knew what was coming. Dylan had to be sweating bullets up there. If there was one word I knew he never used it was love. He never stuck around long enough to know what it felt like.

“I’m happy today to announce the engagement of Warriors owner, Miss Vanessa McCade to Dylan James.”

Steve grinned, showing off the gap in his teeth. He turned to Vanessa and Dylan. Dylan leaned over, kissing Vanessa and whispering something in her ear.

Her eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on me. I nodded, pressing my gaze into her. I wanted her to keep going. I wanted her to pull this off.

The clicks from the cameras were almost deafening. The reporters ignored that an entire football team was in the center of the room, and rushed to the front tables on the makeshift stage.

“Miss McCade, how did he propose?”

“Dylan, does this mean you’ve given up the nightlife?”

“How long have you been dating?”

“What does your grandmother think, Vanessa?”

“When’s the wedding?”

Steve rose, placing his hand on Dylan’s and Vanessa’s shoulders. “Listen, we’re going to take questions, but this is like any post-game press conference.” He laughed. I could tell he was fucking pleased with himself. The press was eating this up. “Barb, you go first.”

“Thanks, Steve.” She shooed her cameraman over to her shoulder. “Vanessa, how will this engagement affect your ability to effectively run the team?”

Fuck. That question had nothing to do with flowers or bridesmaid dresses. I wanted to push my way to the front and shield her. I wanted to tell that reporter to fuck off.

Vanessa smiled sweetly. “Great question.” Dylan’s heavy hand was slung around her shoulder. “It won’t change any of my day-to-day responsibilities of course. Lots of women have jobs and manage to have fiancés at the same time.” She giggled. “Dylan and I have an understanding. Neither of our careers will be affected. I can assure the Warriors if anything, this will make me a better owner.”

Barb continued, even though I was pretty sure her turn was over. “Are you saying, you’ll have more of a focus on player interests now? Is that a departure from how your grandfather managed the organization?”

Damn it, Barb. Who was that woman?

Steve moved to take the mic, but Vanessa slid it from him. I saw a newfound confidence in her.

“I loved my grandfather and we’re all going to miss him, but I have to do what’s best for the team going forward. And yes, that means I’m going to have a different focus. Dylan and I have talked about the team. I’m not going to pretend and try to convince you that we don’t discuss player issues. I want the Warriors to lead the AFA. And that means I’m going to have to make some changes to keep the quality talent we have.”

My jaw almost dropped. Who was this girl? She had changed in front of me. She was on fire. She wasn’t taking any shit. She knew exactly how to answer the questions.

“Next question.” Steve pointed to one of the Sports Now reporters. “Leslie, what do you have for us?”

“I’d like to know how you plan on negotiating Dylan’s contract.” The reporter folded her arms.

Dylan didn’t let Vanessa land in the trap. He swiveled the mic in his direction. “Hey there, darlin’.” He flashed a smile at Leslie. “My contract will be negotiated by my agent, just like every guy here.” He nodded to the team.

“But don’t you think you have an unfair advantage?” Leslie pressed.

“I’ll re-negotiate just like my teammates. My biggest concern is having a higher completion rating than Isaac.” He laughed loudly.
