Page 111 of Double Daddy Trouble

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Dylan rose. “I think we’re done here.”

“Are you dismissing me?” Steve’s surprise was obvious.

“Vanessa has a team to run. You nailed the PR piece today.”

Steve laughed. “You’re a wide receiver, not an executive.”

“She needs to work.”

Steve looked at me. “Is this for real?”

I rose from my chair. “Steve, I have other meetings.”

“Did I create a monster?” His eyes darted between Dylan and Isaac.

No one answered. We watched as he gathered his stack of reports and walked out of the office.

“Thank you.” I smiled at Dylan.

“No problem. I hate that asshole.”

“Does it feel like it’s already time to leave work?” I smiled weakly. I was exhausted. I didn’t sleep much last night, let alone how early I awoke. Add in the press conference and I had depleted all my energy.

“We have practice, baby,” Isaac announced.

“Oh right. That.”

“I’m sure the guys are going to know what’s going on.” Dylan reached his arms overhead to stretch.

“I guess I’ll see y’all later.” I didn’t want them to leave. I didn’t want their warmth and strength to walk out of my office.

“Warrior duty calls.”

We all had a duty. Mine was to the franchise. I had to keep things running.

“I’ll text you about the interview.”

Isaac looked over his shoulder before planting a hungry kiss on my lips. The door was open. He was taking a chance. He stood back.

Dylan walked over next, snaking his hand around my waist. “I should be the one to kiss my fiancée good-bye.” He grinned before taking my lips with a blistering kiss. My knees buckled, leaning into him.

“Bye, darlin’.”

I blinked, watching the two hottest men I’d ever known go to practice.

I held on to the desk. I should be used to the spinning by now. But I wasn’t sure if I ever would find balance with those two. I smiled. For now, I was fine with that.



I studied the notes Steve had left for me. He wanted to make sure I hit certain talking points during the interview tonight

. Somehow all of this would lead to an increase in ticket sales. He’d made it clear we were losing box seat holders along with season ticket holders throughout the stadium. It was a lot to put on me. It wasn’t like I was a main attraction who could draw in fans. It was my responsibility to hold the team together with this charade.

But somehow knowing I had Dylan and Isaac with me changed all that. I felt strong enough to handle any questions Sports Now had.

I looked at my left hand. It was hard to ignore the sparkle. The rainbows scattered over my desk. I knew Steve choose it for the bling. He wanted something big enough that people would know I was taken. I was engaged. And it wasn’t just any engagement—it was to the team.
