Page 116 of Double Daddy Trouble

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“But will Dylan become part-owner? How does that look for the legal arrangement in your marriage?”

I was prepared for this part. Steve had been explicit with how to answer the legal questions.

“The Warriors have been a part of my family heritage. Dylan wants to focus on his career. He can’t do that and run the franchise.”

“Yeah,” he added. “I’ll leave the family business in Vanessa’s hands.”

“Does that mean you’re willing to sign a pre-nup to that effect?” she pried.

I was starting to dislike Chantel Morris. Where were the questions about the romantic proposal? Why wasn’t she asking if I wanted to be a June bride?

Dylan’s voice deepened. “I’m willing to do whatever the Warriors need.”

“Does that mean you’re making decisions in your relationship based on the Warriors franchise?”

“No, I didn’t say that.” Dylan clenched his teeth in an awkward smile. “What I’m saying is that we don’t want our engagement to be anything but a good thing for the team. I’ll sign a pre-nup if that makes the team more secure.”

Chantel nodded her head. “That sounds noble of you, Dylan.”

I could only imagine what Steve was thinking as he watched the optics on this interview unravel.

“In the weeks since your grandfather’s death there have been reports that the transition of team ownership may not have been as smooth as the fans were led to believe.” Chantel held up a piece of paper. “You have an older brother, Daniel McCade who was the original heir to the franchise, isn’t that correct?”

I had no idea where she was going with this question. It didn’t sound good.

“Yes, but the transition has been completed and I have really settled in at the Warriors offices.”

Chantel didn’t let up. “My understanding from an inside source is that your brother does have a legal claim to the team if he did choose to contest the will.” I was going to lose it. Possibly throw up on the set. “Dylan, if Vanessa was no longer the team’s owner, would that change things for you?”

Holy shit. Who was this woman? A one-woman wrecking ball?

“Come on, Chantel. You can’t ask a newly engaged man something like that.” He pulled me closer to him. “Look at her. She’s gorgeous. Smart. Gifted in so many ways. I didn’t ask her to marry me because of her last name. Let’s get that out there right now. No matter what happens, I’m going to play ball and I’m going to marry this woman. Got that?”

I stared at Dylan. I knew it was a charade. I knew we had concocted this entire story to save the Warriors, but I felt as if he had just saved me. He

had rescued me from the hole in the floor that was swallowing me up, starting with my designer heels.

Chantel’s eyes widened. “Well, for my viewers, if you’re looking for a real-life love story, I think we’ve found it. We’ll be back with Vanessa and Dylan after this break. I want to hear all the wedding details.” She smiled.

The producer threw his hand forward and everyone broke their poses. The commercial break countdown clock started ticking overhead.

Dylan glared at her. “What the hell was that, Chantel?”

“This is Sports Now. I’m doing my job. That job includes asking important questions. We’re not at the hotel getting a drink while I’m in town for the night,” she seethed.

Oh shit. My eyes darted between them. She was jealous. Not just sideline jealous. She was scorned jealous. Dylan had slept with her some time in the past. I had no way of knowing how long ago.

“You two have history,” I eked.

Chantel’s eyes hardened. “Your fiancé has history with every woman he’s met. You knew that before you said yes, didn’t you?”

Just then Isaac strolled over. “Interesting interview.” His eyes were warm. I knew he was trying to reassure me, even though there was no way he could say anything.

“Maybe you’d want to switch seats with me, man?” Dylan joked.

I wished it were that easy—that I could interchange them whenever I wanted. Was that bad? Was that a terrible thought? They each gave me such different pleasure in bed, why wouldn’t it be the same when we were out of bed? I could lean on Isaac. I could count on Dylan to distract me. It made sense they complimented each other’s personalities, just like their sexual gifts did.

“Too hot for you?” Chantel quipped.
