Page 118 of Double Daddy Trouble

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“I drove myself.”

“How about this? Dylan can drive you over?” I knew I couldn’t leave the station with her. Especially not with this many reporters in one place.

“Tell him to hurry,” she whispered. I saw the gleam in her eye.


I thought I might have more patience, but my cock didn’t.

As soon as Vanessa walked over the threshold of my ranch, I crashed my lips into hers. She threw her arms around my neck. I felt the diamond graze my neck.

I pushed her back. “Take the ring off,” I ordered.

“Why?” She looked confused.

Dylan followed us inside a few seconds later. He had parked her car inside the garage.

I reached for her hand. I wanted him to see it too.

“Out there, people might think you two belong together, but in here you’re ours.” I wiggled the diamond over her knuckle and off the tip of her finger. I placed it on the foyer table in a bowl made from Austin granite. “You’re mine too, baby. Understand? That ring doesn’t belong in my bed.”

She nodded. “I’m yours, Isaac.”


Dylan slammed the door. “What the fuck happened at that interview?”

I shook my head. “You should have warned everyone about Chantel.” I eyed him.

We all wandered into the kitchen. I’d made sure my house manager stocked the fridge and bar with plenty of wine for Vanessa. I had caseloads of Texas beer. I tossed one to Dylan. He twisted the top off.

“That was a long time ago. She has a boyfriend. I don’t know what the fuck her problem was.”

I showed Vanessa the different wines she had to choose from. She selected a white and smiled. “I like bubbles sometimes.”

I popped the cork off the bottle and poured a tall glass for her. It was some kind of Prosecco. I wondered if this was the gateway to me learning about wines.

She twirled to face Dylan. “Sometimes women just don’t like to see men with other women. It’s that simple.”

His eyes widened. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yep. That’s all it was. She was jealous.”

“Who the hell knew that,” he mused, chugging the beer.

“At least we got that over with.” Vanessa sat on the tall wooden bar stool. “I didn’t know where she was going with those questions. I was nervous. More nervous than I should have been with all that prep Steve did.”

I leaned against the counter, pressing my leg next to hers. “What was that shit about your brother?” I asked.

The beer was cold. I was going to need more than one tonight. I had no plan of us turning in early.

Vanessa sighed. “Danny isn’t coming back. It’s not anything you have to worry about.”

“Where is he?”

She played with the edge of her glass. “My half-brother is probably partying in Paris. Hong Kong? I can’t keep track anymore.”

“Are you kidding?” Dylan pulled up the seat next to her.
