Page 155 of Double Daddy Trouble

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“What kind?” Dylan eyed me, making sure I kept drinking the water.

“It’s to announce the new VP of the Warriors management staff.”

“Do you have to go?” Isaac asked. “You might need to take some time off. How long have you been fainting like this?”

I ignored his question. “I hired Charlie earlier in the week when she discovered our relationship status.” I might it sound practically normal. “She came up with an idea.”

I chugged the rest of the water, leaving the ice in the bottom of the glass and handed it to Dylan.

“Tonight I’m going to announce that Isaac Price is joining the Warriors as our vice president. He will be working with me exclusively. Attending meetings, conferences, sitting with me in the family box. If I’m there, he is there.”

“What?” Isaac stared at me.

“Charlie thinks this is the only option for us to be together.” I turned to Dylan. “Unless…” I couldn’t bear to say it.

Dylan shook his head. “I’m not running. Not this time. I’ve never stuck around for anyone other than Isaac. And it looks like he needs me right now too.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, because this whole plan blows up in my face if you leave now.”

Dylan looked at Isaac and then at me. His eyes darted back and forth.

“Marry me, Vanessa.”

“What?” I sat forward on the couch.

“For real. Plan the wedding. Meet me at the end of the aisle.”

“Wait a fucking minute.” Isaac leaned forward.

I closed my eyes. This is not what I had planned. My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

“I’m being serious. You and Vanessa are tied together forever. She’s having your baby. Be m

y wife.” He’s eyes pierced me.

“I-I…are we crazy?”

“Fucking nuts,” Dylan laughed.

Isaac rubbed the back of his head. “The world is going to think this baby is yours.”

I brushed his cheek with the back of my hand. “It’s our baby. And I belong to both of you. I don’t care what the world thinks. This baby is going to have so much love. Two amazing daddies.” I was tearing up again. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

I wiped my eyes.

Isaac nodded his head. “Only if I get a honeymoon too.”

I giggled. “I think we can come up with some king of emergency Warriors business that will require the VP to be on hand.” I winked, loving how smart Charlie’s plan was.

“Triple honeymoon. I like it.” Isaac smiled.

“We’re really going to plan a wedding?” I squealed.

“Yeah, darlin’. You’re going to be a bride.”

I looked down at my stomach. “People are going to know, aren’t they? I don’t want to be huge at our wedding. Oh, God.”

“You’re beautiful now. And you’re going to be beautiful whenever you set the date.”
