Page 181 of Double Daddy Trouble

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For the rest of the weekend, I did my best to keep my head down, focus on Emma, and forget about what happened on my couch. It wasn’t very easy when Hawk’s simple kiss burned down to my core.

Emma still didn’t seem to be getting much better, in fact, her cough started to get really nasty. I thought about calling Hawk on Sunday but figured I was just over reacting. Worse, I worried I was just looking for an excuse to get him back over.

On Monday, with Em still running a low fever and coughing I called into work and kept her home for one more day. I was pretty sure we were over the worst of it, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Emma was going just about as stir crazy in the house as I was. She finally was feeling well enough to eat and that brought her energy back just about instantly. Aside from her coughing fits she was back to being the regular little inquisitive girl she always was.

“But Mommy,” Em said with that wine that told me she was feeling better. “I don’t want to take a nap.”

“I know your feeling better honey, but you still have that cough. Resting your body will help you heal faster. Then you can be back to school tomorrow.”

Emma loved her kindergarten class and teacher, and I knew using that as leverage would get her in her room.

“You don't have to sleep if you don't want to. Just lay in bed for a bit with your dolls and play.”

Emma reluctantly retired to her room as told. She may have started to get a bit of that girl wine to her now and then, but for the most part, she was an angle of a child. I knew I was lucky to have such a good kid.

Twenty minutes later I looked in on her to find Emma sound asleep surrounded by dolls and sporting a princess dress. I did my best to pull the blanket over her and her massive entourage before tiptoeing back out of her room.

I stretched out on the couch and decided to flip through the channels. I very rarely watched TV. Frankly, I didn’t have time for it, so it wasn’t that easy to find a show to catch my attention. Before I knew it, like Emma, I had dozed off without realizing it.

I felt the warm sensation of his arms moving up my legs before I open my eyes. I didn’t have to see; I knew it was Hawk. I looked around; I was in my bed. Hawk must have come in and carried me here.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for his trailing hands to wake me up.

When I looked at him, he smiled back at me satisfied. He was wearing the same tight t-shirt and jeans that he had worn the last time he was here, and his long black hair flopped over to one side.

Seeing that I was awake, he moved his hands now with more purpose up my legs. He came around and on top of me spreading my legs between him. With a quick yank of my hips, I slid down so that my center was pushing right into the fold of him.

He leaned his head down with his arms on either side of me. Up until this moment I hadn’t moved. I only watched as he stalked me like I was his prey. My heart was pounding in my ears as he dipped his head just short of my lips.

I wrapped my legs tightly around him and arched my back up encouraging him to kiss me. He pulled away, however, choosing instead to tease me. I watched my own hands as they trailed up either side of his thick muscles and settled in his hair.

He smiled down at me with that cocky air.

“You think you are so smooth, don't you?” I said barely above a whisper.

He didn’t reply but instead bore his mouth down on mine. It wasn’t like last time that started soft and gentle. He was hungry, and I let him take all of me.

Arching my hips upward I ground against the bulge bursting to get out of his jeans. He wrapped one arm around my waist and encouraged me to push harder against him.

I felt him tug at my shirt and within an instant, it was over my head, and his mouth was back on me. I reached down to take his shirt off too.

He stopped me, gripping my hand and putting it over my head. He stopped kissing me then, and I looked up at him questioning. He took my other arm and pinned it over my head, holding both of my arms in his one strong hand, and I let him.

With his one arm holdin

g me in place, he began to send soft kisses down my neck and along my collarbone.

He got to the rim of my bra, and with his teeth, he pulled one cup back exposing my whole breast. My nipple was already hard and aching for his touch.

He kissed it softly, getting it wet, then blew cold air on it. I arched harder against him with my hips as I moaned in satisfaction.

He took my nipple whole into his warm mouth, and the sensation was almost too much. I could feel him rolling my hard peak against his teeth.

"Hawk," I moaned as I struggled against his hand holding me.
