Page 185 of Double Daddy Trouble

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“Oh yeah, you did the nasty didn’t you?” Savannah said from the couch.

“No,” I said doing my best to be offended and shocked.

“What’s the nasty?” Em asked sitting next to her.

I gave Savannah a good hard stare.

“It’s what it's called when the doctor sticks you with his needle,” Savannah said looking at me.

“You mean a shot?” Emma asked horrified at the thought.

“Dr. Smith didn’t give me a shot, don’t worry,” I said to Emma. “But,” I said to Savannah, “he did ask me out to dinner tonight. I know it’s short notice, but if you're not busy…”

“Can I stay here and hang out with my favorite Goddaughter so you can get that shot that you are in desperate need of? Of course.”

Savannah waved me off like asking her to stay was no big deal.

“When is he coming by to get you?” Savannah asked getting up off the couch.

“In like an hour,” I said heading to the kitchen to make something for Em before I left.

“An hour? That’s it? What are you doing in there then?” She asked grabbing my arm and pulling me back to the bedroom.

“I got to make something for Em before I go.”

Still, I was helpless as she dragged me back.

“I can make her food. Trust me it will be better than anything you might make. If you only got an hour, we need to start now to get you ready.”

A half hour later I was playing fashion show with Savannah and Em relaxing on my bed as I showed off one outfit after another.

“No,” Savannah said board by my fifth choice. “Don’t you have some little black dress back in the recesses there?”

“I am a gym teacher that never goes on dates, what makes you think I would have anything like that?” I retorted hands on hips.

“This is fine,” I said tugging on the floral flowing blouse that I matched with some skinny black jeans.

Both Savannah and Em shook their head no. With a huff, Savannah got up and started shuffling through my closet herself.

“Here,” she said walking back out.

It was a rose gold color mini dress with a full open back. The straps of the dress wrapped up around the neck leaving a deep plunging neckline that nearly went to my navel.

“I cant wear that.”

“Oh, it’s so pretty,” Emma countered.

“I haven’t worn that since college, like pre-pregnancy. There is no way I’m going to fit into it.”

“Oh please you are the same size you were before Em,” Savannah said pushing the dress at me.

“Some things got big and never downsize,” I said motioning to my chest.

“All the better,” she shoved the dress in my hand. “You go put it on; I’ll dig some tape out of your drawer to keep the girls in.”

“This is too much,” I mumbled nervously as I stood in front of my floor length mirror.

I was wearing the rose gold dress, my boobs practically duck taped in between my backless stick on bra and the double sided tape keeping the edges from sliding more open. Savannah did my hair up in sexy waves and put more makeup on my face then a painted clown.
