Page 189 of Double Daddy Trouble

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“No one knows how they got their hands on such long-range missiles. Where we were, the insurgents weren’t that organized. Well, I guess that was our mistake in thinking that. The first one hit right outside the tent.”

“Blew it all to shit. I woke up with all the equipment on top of me. When it threw me back, it skewered my leg on some equipment. Burst my eardrums too.”

“And the private?" Julie asked softly.

“I tried my best. He was still open when the blast hit. I tried to cover him when the second missile struck, but it did no good. He died from blood loss.”

She took my hand and laid it against her cheek kissing it softly. I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. I never thought I would survive telling that memory, but with Julie here it was a whole lot easier then I expected.

“And your leg?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Some scars and stuff but nothing terrible. My eardrums were permanently damaged so I wasn’t able to stay with the team. I had the option of being stationed at a regular naval hospital. My three years owed were up and Dad was going downhill, so I figured I should bow out gracefully.”

“What does that mean, permanently damaged?” Julie asked looking from one ear to the other.

I knew on the outside they looked perfectly fine.

"Just some hearing loss,” I waved off. “And a constant ringing,” I added quickly.

“Hawk that must be terrible.”

“Funny thing actually,” I gave a little laugh and scooted her chair closer to mine. “Usually I can always hear it, it's just this annoying thing in the back of my head. With you and Em though, sometimes I forget its even there.”

I watched as she looked me over, brushing a long hair away from my face. We were so close now that I could smell her sweet perfume and feel the touch of her smooth thighs rubbing against my own.

“It was hard for me, when I first came back,” I said twirling a lock of Julie’s hair.

I felt like we were discovering each other for the first time.

“First couple of weeks I was here, I didn’t know how to function. It was a nightmare. I had no purpose, no drive. Now…”

I let my voice trail off as I let go of her lock.

“Now Emma is my driving force. I know I have to keep going on for her. For you too, if you’ll let me,” I added looking her in the eyes.

I could see a tear glistening in her honey eyes. I worried it was because she was about to tell me that it wasn’t ever going to happen.

“Okay,” she finally said just above a whisper.

“Okay?” I asked a little surprised but also relieved.

“Yeah,” she nodded.

I kissed her then softly. I wanted to savor every taste every sensation of her. She leaned into my touch, and I felt the weight of her breast brush against me.

“Come upstairs with me?” I asked pulling away from our kiss. It came out heavier then I had planned.

Julie gave a shy smile and nodded. I stood and took her hand before she could change her mind.

Quietly I led her up the narrow stairway and to the master bedroom. I waited for her to slip out of her shoes before pulling her into my arms.

I let my fingers run along her open back and tease along

her low hemline.

“It’s been a long time, Hawk.”

I could hear the nerves in her voice.
