Page 37 of For Love Or Honey

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Afraid he’d stop, I held his wrist in place, rolling my hips in time with the slow tease of his fingers. It’d been a long time since I’d been touched, a long, lonely time. My eyes closed tight, my heartbeat all I could hear as heat crawled down my body to where we were connected. Lungs pinched, back arched, lips parted, mind empty of all but this, the orgasm sprang from deep inside me and pulsed in relief, letting go of my ribs so I could breathe. And when I did, it was joined by mewling.

He took a hard corner, and my eyes opened just a little, my hand still on his wrist and his fingers stroking aftershocks from me.

He was darkness, shadows but for the sallow glow from the dash and the glint of light in his eyes. His jaw was clenched hard, his eyes hungry when they caught mine for only a second.

Another hard turn, and he said to his driveway, “Thank fuck.”

We skidded to a stop in front of his place. And he unbuckled us both at the same time.

“Get the fuck in the house. Now.”

It was a command, not a demand, thick with lust and promises. I smiled and nearly fell out of the car on jelly legs. Apparently I didn’t move fast enough because there was Grant, crushing me with a kiss, lifting me up so I had no choice but to wrap myself around him. As if there was anywhere else I’d want to be.

He pushed into the house—I didn’t know if he’d opened his eyes, because mine were closed, every thought on the feel of his lips against mine. How did they fit so well? How did they know mine? I’d kissed plenty of men, but never like this. Never like him.

Grant dumped me onto the bed, climbing up after me, kicking his shoes off on the way. I made to kick mine off, but he stopped me, saying with a smile against my lips, “Those stay on.”

And then he captured my lips, teasing me with his tongue as I pulled open his shirt and reached for his belt.

This time, he didn’t stop me.

Instead, he flicked open the buttons of my dress front, baring me two inches at a time. I slipped my hands into his pants, and when I found what I was looking for, he flexed into my hands, searing me with his kiss.

And then his lips were gone. I made a noise of disapproval before I realized those lips were following his hand where it cupped my breast, teasing my nipple to a peak before he closed that hot mouth over me.

A sigh emptied my lungs, my legs hooking his thighs, pulling until his shaft brushed the aching tip of me.

The flick of his tongue, the moan deep in his throat, his hand abandoning its post to touch the place where I wanted him, where I needed him.

But he only teased me, caging me with his body, my wet hair splayed across the bed, my breasts bare and dress draped around my waist. When I reached for him, he shifted so I couldn’t have what I wanted.

“Jesus, Grant—fuck me like you promised,” I panted.

“Oh, I’m gonna.”

My eyes rolled back in my head when he gently flicked my swollen clit.

“Don’t fuck with me,” I mumbled, though my hips betrayed me, rolling against his hand. “Do that later. Because if you don’t get in me, I’m going to come again.”

“I missed the part where that’s a bad thing.”

“Because if you’re not inside me when I do, I’ll never forgive you.”

He laughed. He kissed me. He released his hold on me to reach somewhere for a condom—I didn’t care where. I rose to taste his body with my lips and tongue and fingertips, dropping his pants to reveal his substantial ass and that cock that had taken up residency in my filthiest dreams.

When he had what he needed, he stood at the foot of the bed, shucking his shirt and stepping out of his pants, our eyes locked. My legs spread gently, my fingertips brushing the nipple still slick from his mouth as I watched him fist his shaft and roll the condom on.

And then he moved too quick to do anything but meet him with my lips, with the warmth between my thighs as he breached me, flexed slow, filled me as deep as he could get. The kiss broke—he breathed deep and heavy, his eyes on my lips, his own parted as he retreated, then advanced again. My eyes closed, my head lolling, exposing my neck. And he took the invitation for a moment until he lost what little hold he had. His body moved in a wave, his hips stroking and grinding against me and inside me at once. I clawed at his back, his weight pressing me into the bed, crushing me in that way that left me defenseless, powerless, as if he were the master of my body and needed to prove it.
