Page 40 of For Love Or Honey

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What I didn’t expect was to enjoy that honesty so much. I’d lived my life in a world of double talk and deception, where nothing was taken at face value. Here, everyone said what they meant and what they wanted. I didn’t think I could make it five feet into the Blum’s house without hearing about someone’s feelings. And that left me feeling refreshed, comforted.

I could be myself, even if I wasn’t exactly sure who that was anymore.

Either way, I still needed to do my job. And if there was any chance at flipping the Blums, it would need to be done incrementally, seed by seed.

I flipped off the sheets and climbed out of bed, pulling on sleep pants before padding into the kitchen to make coffee. I was filling the pot at the sink when I heard the screen door open and close.

Instantly, I was smiling again. “Forget something?”

A deep, dark voice answered, “No, don’t think I did.”

My chest locked at the sound, my throat clamping shut as I turned to find my father standing just inside the door, looking around the house with thinly veiled disdain.

He was one of the few people who met me at eye level, his tidy hair more salt than pepper, his eyes sharp and icy when they met mine.

“Look at you, slumming it,” he said.

“This was the only place in town—”

“I’m not talking about the house.”

My temperature spiked. Don’t blow it. Let him run his mouth.

Again he looked around, striding like a jungle cat toward the musty old couch in front of the tube television. He flicked the doily on it. “Although the place does have its own … charm.”

I went back to making coffee, with my senses on alert, awakened by his presence. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think I’m doing here?”

“Not sure. I didn’t ask for your help.”

“I didn’t come for you.”

I drew a breath to steady me, but it did no good. “I don’t get the hurry. I’ve almost sealed the deal on the second farm, and the Blum contract is coming.”

“Looks like the youngest girl is coming too.”

I gripped the handle of the pot so tight, it squeaked against my palm. When I didn’t answer right away, too intent on managing my instinct to hit him, he continued.

“I’m here because I got a call from the top. I’m not taking the flak if you fail, so I’m here to back you up.”

“You’re here to help? That’s a new one.”

“I’m here to get this done so we can both go home. I didn’t know you’d fucked your way into the young one’s good graces.”

Don’t hit him. Lie. Get him out of here. “By any means necessary, right?”

“Whatever it takes. But that will help us lock down the deal. What’s your next move?”

“Earn her trust, show her how signing will help her. Convince her we’re not so bad.”

“So to lie to her.”

I turned the pot on and faced him, leaning back on the counter. “Just giving her the company line. Was there something else you’d suggest?”

He glanced at my boots lying haphazardly on the floor. “Looks like you’ve gone all in. You’ve even got a red neck.”

“And a Stetson in the car.”

A single laugh through his nose. “That I’d like to see.”

“Stick around, and you will.”

“I’m not leaving the state until you close the deal, so I’ll have something to look forward to. That farm has the biggest shale deposit of the six. If you don’t secure it, that’s on me. So I’m here as … let’s call it insurance.”

“And what’s your plan?”

His smile was a knife slash. “Depends on how you do over the next week.”

“Can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”

“Unlike you, I don’t need help.” He turned for the door. “I have business in Austin and San Antonio while I’m in town, so don’t fuck anything up when I’m not here. I’ll expect you in Austin for dinner tonight at my hotel. There’s nothing to eat in this shithole town but diner food and enchiladas.”

“Can’t. I have plans.” Which I didn’t, exactly. But I planned to.

“Cancel them.”

“I can’t—”

He whipped around and pinned me with a look, the same look I’d learned from him. “You will. Plan to be in Austin by eight. I’ll text you the place.”

My jaw clenched so tight, the muscles ached. I couldn’t speak without telling him to fuck off, so I nodded.

“Good,” was all he said, leaving me with nothing but rage and a bitter taste in my mouth.

The coffee pot sputtered and wheezed as I stormed to the bathroom and turned on the shower, dropping my pants and stepping in before it was hot—a blessing in disguise. I was mad as all hell and needed to cool off.

I was building a house of cards, and he was a gust of hot wind.
