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“Do you need us to leave?” Matt asked Jason.

“I have no idea what this is about, so no. Stay.” The sheriff seemed perplexed.

There was always tension surrounding the trio. Anyone near them when they were together sensed it. Jason was the oldest of the three, followed by Lucas and then Mitchell. Lucas was a successful architect. Mitchell was a drummer, songwriter, dreamer, and a well-known hothead.

The doors opened. The two younger Wolfe brothers rushed straight to Jason.

“Why didn’t you tell us about Phoebe?” Mitchell’s face was red hot.

“About Phoebe? What?” Jason asked.

“The calls. From the guy,” Lucas shot back at the sheriff. “How many times has she been contacted by him?”

“Calm down, guys,” Dylan said. “My cousin is going to be fine. I’m helping your brother on this one.”

“I’ve got this,” Jason told them. “Phoebe thinks whoever is making these calls is harmless.”

“That’s not what Shannon thinks,” Lucas snapped back.

“It appears that I need to talk to Shannon about confidentiality again. I’m the sheriff. Leave this to me.”

“Good God, Jason. You’re our brother.” Mitchell leaned forward. “We’re still concerned about Phoebe’s well-being. So are you. Don’t leave us in the dark.”

“I’m handling it.”

Lucas glared at him. “Just like you did the last time. We all know how that ended.”

Sean could see the pain in all three of the Wolfe brothers’ faces. They’d lost Phoebe. He couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to lose Jena.

“Whatever is going on is police business,” Jason said firmly.

“I guess we’ll handle this ourselves.” Mitchell turned and stormed out of the room.

Lucas stared at Jason, appearing to want to say more. But the man didn’t. Instead, he bolted out after Mitchell.

“Excuse me, fellows.” Jason went after his brothers.

“What the hell?” Matt asked, mirroring Sean’s own sentiments.

“First I’ve heard about the phone calls, but apparently we all need to be concerned for Phoebe.” Scott pushed his empty plate away, turning to Dylan. “I hope you and Jason fill us in if you get any news about this caller.”

“We will,” he said.

“Speaking of getting filled in.” Scott turned to Sean and Matt. “Get us up to speed on what you’ve found on Kip’s code.”

Sean liked both the Knights. They were incredibly astute businessmen.

“Looks like we’ll need another few months, but the bulk of it should be out of the system in a couple weeks.”

Dylan’s cell went off. “It’s Black.” He brought it up to his ear. “Strange here.”

Dylan nodded. “Good to hear. Yes. We will. They are here with me. Got it. I’ll tell them. See you tomorrow.” He clicked it off and turned to him and Matt. “The missing laptop has popped up again.”

Black had almost had the goods on Niklaus Mitrofanov last month, connecting him to a shill company involved in the ransom money sent by the Knights for Erica. The agent who found the information died before he could get the laptop with the data in the right hands.

“Where is it?” Matt asked.

“In transit,” Dylan answered. “We have to keep this under wraps until it’s stateside.”
