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“We’re good,” Dylan said.

No one was hurt. It was a miracle.

The four of them inspected the vehicles, which had the only damage from the encounter. Bullet holes had penetrated the van and Jena’s car.

“Damn, woman, where did you learn to drive like that?” Sean was quite impressed with her skills behind the wheel.

“My dad was a race car driver. He taught me everything from A to Z about handling a car. I also know more than most men about the mechanics. That’s why my old Ford runs the way she does.”

“Would we know of your dad?” asked Matt.

“Probably, but I would appreciate my privacy for the moment.”

Sean noticed a change in her demeanor. She still doesn’t trust us.

“Come on,” said Matt. “We need to get her out of here and back to Destiny before they find us. We’ll sort all this out there.”

“Matt, you go with Sean. Get Jena to Destiny,” Dylan stated flatly. “I’m going to engage local law enforcement to get the evidence at the warehouse back to TBK.”

“Be safe, Dylan,” Matt said. “Those Russians might still be lurking around.”

“I will. Go.”

“You got it.” Sean put his arm around Jena and was thrilled when she didn’t pull away. “Everything is going to be okay now.”

Chapter Three

Jena sat in the passenger’s seat of her trusty Ford with Matt in the backseat and Sean driving. Both men continually checked the road behind for anyone tailing them, Sean in the rearview mirror and Matt out the back window.

It had been many hours and there hadn’t been a sign of anyone. The sun was coming up. They were safe now.

She was exhausted but unafraid. The bullets and the car chase had rattled her, but she’d faced much worse before.

I’ve been shot at in the past, but thankfully Carl didn’t have good aim.

The violent storm of emotions back at the warehouse had passed. She was calm again. More herself. More in control. More than anything she was pissed—pissed that she’d been tricked, pissed that she wouldn’t be getting the big check she so desperately needed, pissed that she’d helped criminals. A Russian mobster and a brilliant madman. They might come looking for her, but let them come. She was ready for them, and they would pay.

“You sure you’re okay?” Matt asked for the hundredth time.

Men could be so thick sometimes. “I will tell you again, Mr. Dixon. I’m fine. Perfectly fine.”

“Well then are you hungry?”

“If you will stop worrying about me, then yes, I could eat something.”

“That’s putting him in his place,” Sean chimed in with a laugh.

“Really?” She couldn’t help but grin. “You should talk. By the way you were holding onto me, I wasn’t sure you knew I had ever learned to walk on my own. Believe me, I can. I’ve taken care of myself for a very long time. Bullets? I’ve been shot at. Being computer techs, I bet you two haven’t before today.”

“We’ve seen more action than you can imagine,” Matt said. “There’s a diner up ahead. If you’re hungry, I’m starving.”

“Now the truth comes out, Mr. Dixon. You’re the one who is ready to stop and eat. Right?” Jena was enjoying their company. It had been so long since she’d flirted.

“How about calling me Matt? Besides, we need a bathroom break. I thought I’d mention getting a bite to eat to kill two birds.”

“If those birds turn out to be fried chicken, then I’m game,” she said with a laugh. The lightness of their conversation was making her feel better.

Matt smiled. “I’m actually thinking of a couple of eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon, hash browns, and hot coffee.”
