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Jason’s gut tightened, recalling she had gone out with another guy. After first being brought in on this stalker issue, he’d asked her the same question right here in his office. She’d bristled, but had told him everything. “Since you went to prison, she’s been on a few dates.” She was moving on. Fuck. “One of the senior techs at O’Leary Global took her to dinner a few times. Guy’s name is Compton. Remember Mac Doss from high school?”

Corey nodded. “Didn’t he move to Clover when we were sophomores?”

“I must’ve been a freshman.” Shane frowned. “How long did they see each other?”

“According to your sister, they had dinner twice. Nothing more.” He’d been happy to learn that. “The only other guy on the list is Andy McCrae.”

“Andy McCrae?” Shane clearly didn’t know him since the guy had arrived in Destiny when he’d been in prison and had transferred out several months before he’d been paroled.

“He was an analyst at TBK for a couple of years. Long gone. Betty Anderson set Phoebe up with him about a year ago. It went nowhere.” Jason remembered Andy well. Phoebe deserved better than that guy. I wish it could be me, but I know it can’t. “Didn’t seem like your sister’s type to me. McCrae was a pussy, in my opinion. You should’ve seen the way he dressed and walked around town. I thought the wind would blow him over.”

Shane snorted. “Sounds like someone is a bit jealous to me.”

Jason had a great poker face about most things. But when it came to Phoebe, he was as transparent as glass. The whole town knew he still cared about her. “You would’ve thought the same thing if you’d seen him, Blue.”

Shane turned to his brother. “I guess I’ve been away longer than I realized, Corey.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was brought up in Destiny. Mom and Dads taught us that we don’t judge people here. Let them dress, walk, live, love, whatever…anyway they want. They are welcome here.” Shane turned to him. “Has it changed, Jason?”

Though Jason knew Shane was right, he wasn’t about to give him an inch. “McCrae and the others are on my list, Blue. It may be any of them.”

“And it might be Kip Lunceford’s doing,” Shane said flatly.

How the hell does he know that? “What do you mean?”

“Just idle gossip,” he said, looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “I heard the guy has really shaken up our town.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Corey said. “I just got a text from my boss. The fucker has escaped. I’ve been reassigned to track and apprehend him. They are aware of his interest in Destiny.”

“As are we.” Joanne Brown, his CIA superior, entered the room, followed by Dylan.

Corey turned to her. “May I ask who you are?”

She held out her hand. “I’m Agent Brown, Marshal. CIA.”

He took her hand and shook it. “Since I’m not in uniform, I guess you already have a dossier on me.”

“I do. I’m the reason you have been brought in on the Lunceford issue.”

“Shane, I need you to leave now.” Jason was uncomfortable with all the information flying around the room. “I swear I’ll do my best to get whoever is your sister’s stalker.”

Brown turned to Shane. There was something in her gaze that seemed odd to Jason. Had Brown—with all her fact-finding on everyone else in town—discovered Blue’s prison history? Or had these two met before? Maybe at the O’Learys’ party before she’d come over to talk to him and Dylan. “Mr. Blue, if you don’t mind. I would like to speak with these gentlemen alone.”

Shane shrugged and turned to Jason. “Suit yourself. You’re my parole officer. As you’ve been telling me since I came home, I’m supposed to do as you say.”

Jason suppressed a smile. “That about covers it.”

“Fine.” Shane left without another word, closing the door behind him. Odd. Shane wasn’t one to give in so easily.

“Blue, you’re on my team now.”

“I’m no CIA spook, Brown.”

“You are now, just like the sheriff.” The woman took a seat.

“Don’t try to argue with her, Corey. She had the governor call me.”
