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“But he left. Lucas, we’ve got to go talk to him.”

“We don’t. You do,” he said. “You need your time with him alone. I will take you, but I will stay in the background. Let’s tell Mitchell what we’re doing and then I’ll take you to Jason’s office.”

“That’s not where he’s going.”


She shook her head, knowing exactly where he’d gone. The first time Jason had taken her to his secret place, they’d just been teenagers. The last time she’d gone there to find him was to break up with him. Would he be able to forgive her? With all her heart, she hoped he would. She loved him.

Without Jason she wasn’t sure how she would survive.

* * * *

As they arrived at the lake, Phoebe was so anxious, she jumped out of the car. “Lucas, I’ll be back. Just wait here.”

She walked down the path of the familiar place, her mind racing for some way to make Jason understand how sorry she was for everything. Would he forgive her? Would he believe her when she told him she loved him—had always loved him?

Rounding the corner, she saw Jason by his favorite tree, head down, bent over.

Her heart racing and overcome with emotion, she ran to him.

He looked up, his eyes full of concern. “Phoebe?”

She kissed him deeply, all the words she planned vanishing into thin air. “Oh, Jason. I’m so sorry. I was such a fool. I’ve never stopped loving you. Please forgive me.”

Jason placed his fingers on her lips. “Shh, baby. I was the fool, not you. I have treated you so badly the past three years. My foolish pride got in the way of our happiness together.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “It was me. I was the stubborn one. When I saw you in the chapel after I kissed Mitchell, my heart broke because we were not all together the way we always planned.”

“No, I was the stubborn one.”

“No, I was.”

“Was not,” he said with a grin. “I was.”

“Can we both agree that we each had a hand in it, Sheriff?”

He pulled her in close. “As long as I get to have you in my arms, I’ll agree to anything, honey.”

Chapter Nine

Jason walked back to his patrol car, holding onto Phoebe. He was happy. Really happy. They headed over to Lucas. It was the first time since the breakup that he’d seen his middle brother smiling.

“It’s obvious you two worked things out quite nicely,” Lucas said.

Though Jason and his brothers had been with her many times in the past, they’d never shared her in the bedroom. It wasn’t that they weren’t open to the idea. They’d grown up in Destiny. They were open to a lot of ideas, especially sexual exploration. An opportunity to make love to her together had just never presented itself, especially with each of them having different tours of duty in different branches of the military. Later, Phoebe had been starting her practice. Mitchell had been traveling with his band. Lucas’s job had been demanding due to the many projects he led around the state. And Jason had been in the thick of Destiny politics with plans on running for Sheriff Grayson’s position once the man retired. So, their lovemaking with her had been one-on-one.

“There’s more to talk through, but yes, we did.” Phoebe leaned her head into his chest.

“I’m taking her home.” Though he was glad that he was going to get to share this amazing woman with his two brothers, he was still pissed that they’d left him out of the loop about the recent stalker events.

Lucas nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

At long last, they were all finally getting past what had happened three years ago, but he knew there was a lot of air that still needed to be cleared. That would have to wait for another time. “Lucas, we’ll talk later.” Right, now, he only wanted to get Phoebe home and make love to her until the sun came up.

“Absolutely. Now that we have her back, we have a lot to discuss, I’m sure.”

More than you know, bro. More than you know.
