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“No you don’t,” he scolded, unable to hold back his smile. “No topping me from the bottom, baby.”

* * * *

In the unseasonably warm air, Phoebe squirmed on Jason’s patrol car, the pressure mounting with every syllable that came out of his mouth.

Jason’s hot gaze got her wetter. “I’m the one who decides when and how many whacks to this perfect ass need to be rained down, not you.”

“Please,” she begged him, remembering how much he’d liked it when she did. “I’m sorry, Sir, but I’m burning inside for you.”

“You’ll be burning on the outside pretty soon, too.” He trailed his hands up and down her body, starting at her neck, down her back, to her bottom, down her legs, and ending at her feet. “You’re extremely sensitive here. I remember.” He traced his fingers over her toes, causing her to jump.

She giggled uncontrollably at his tickle torture. Goose bumps popped up on her skin. Now that he’d opened the gate to laughter, there was no going back. Every inch of her became hypersensitive to his touch.

His deep, gleeful laugh mixed with hers as he ran his fingers up her sides, sending her into a state of hysterics. Could anyone hear her? Since they were so far away from town, she didn’t think so. But as loud as she and Jason were laughing, she bet any wildlife around would be scared away. Imagining bears, bunnies, and deer scurrying down the mountain to escape her sent her into another bout of roaring laughter.

“Now, you’re ready for your spanking, sweetheart.” Jason landed his hand on the center of her ass, capturing all her attention and turning her giggles into dreamy moans.

She felt the burn he’d delivered to her bottom start to spread through the rest of her body. She remembered he’d told her to count aloud. “One, Sir.”

“Very good, my little sub.” Jason’s praise filled her with pride. “Four more to go.”

Four? Nervous and excited, she curled her hands into fists.

The slap of his hand sizzled on her left cheek.

“Two, Sir.” She was on fire and loving it, loving him, loving being with him again. This was where she belonged. Jason, though flesh and blood, was more home to her than her house. With him, she felt loved and protected.

The next whack hit her right cheek, making her wonderfully dizzy.

“Three, Sir.” She was once again gliding into a state of bliss that he’d taken her to long ago.

The next two whacks landed back to back in the center of her ass, and then she felt the soft edges of the trance she’d missed for far too long. “Four. Five.”

He lifted her off the hood of his car. When he lowered her to her feet, she leaned up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you.” Tears welled in her eyes. This was where she belonged. With Jason.

“You’re mine, Phoebe Blue. You will always be mine.”

“Yes, Sir.” With her mind relaxed and dreamy, she could just be. There were no tasks to concern herself with, no worries to trouble her. In this state, all that mattered was being with him. With Jason. With Sir.

She felt him reach behind her, pulling her strapless dress’s zipper down slow, tortuously slow. Unable to contain herself, she began unbuttoning his shirt.

Smiling, he caught her wrists in his hands. “There you go again, sub. Trying to take charge.”

She could see in his dark eyes wicked hunger, and that made her tremble. That he was able to keep his passion contained stunned her. His willpower amazed her. She was ready to rip his clothes off.

She needed him inside her, needed to be filled by him, needed to give herself to him. “Please, Sir. I want you. The pressure is too much. I can’t take more. It’s been so long.”

He narrowed his eyes, keeping hold of her wrists with one hand. “Oh but you will take more, baby. Much more. You will take all I want to give you. When I’m sure you’ve had enough and I believe you’ve earned your reward, then I’ll end your suffering, pet.” He placed his handcuffs on her, a clear act of his dominance over her. “You will stand there and watch me take my clothes off.”

“Yes, Sir.” God, yes. I want to see your body again, Jason.

He took his time undressing. He emptied his pockets of his keys and wallet, placing them on the front seat of his car, along with his gun and belt. A cool breeze rolled over her skin, reminding her they were exposed and in the open. Her shivers were not from being outside but from the internal fire building inside her.

When he finally removed his shirt, she saw the white T-shirt that covered his perfectly muscled frame.

How long is he going to take? As if they had minds of their own, her cuffed hands stretched out to assist him.

Jason stepped back, just out of fingertip range. “No you don’t, sub.” He brought his hands to her breasts, pinching both nipples. “You will wait. Do you understand me?”
