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Dad Eddie put his arm around Corey’s shoulder. “And what about you, young man. How long have you known about this stalker?”

“I swear, Dad, I just found out this morning.”

Her mother sent Corey one of her famous disapproving looks. “We’ll talk to you about that later.”

Phoebe was puzzled. “How did you find out, anyway?”

“Shane,” Dad Curtis answered. “He called the diner an hour ago. We were there putting away the supplies from the catering van. He filled your mom in on everything.”

Her mom let out a long, worried sigh. “No more secrets, baby. Promise me.”

Seeing the concern in her parents’ eyes crushed her. This was exactly why she had tried to keep the stalker issue from them. But now that they knew, she was glad to have them in her corner. They were the best parents in the world. “I was just trying to protect you, but okay, I promise.”

“Do you know where Shane is?” Corey asked.

All three of their parents sighed.

Dad Eddie rolled his eyes. “He told Alice he was in Chicago.”

“He’s not allowed out of the county.” Phoebe had read all the terms of Shane’s parole. She shouldn’t be surprised. Shane was the black sheep in the Blue family.

“Not without the sheriff’s permission,” Dad Curtis said. “Maybe Jason gave it to him.”

“He was here just fifteen minutes ago,” Corey informed them. “Jason had no idea where Shane was.”

Their parents’ faces fell.

Phoebe tried to contain her anxiety for her brother. Once again, Shane was running headfirst to trouble, dragging all of them down with him.

Her mother clasped her hands. “Where is the sheriff now?”

“Jason, Mitchell, and Lucas went to Clover.” Her worry for her three men continued to roll through her.

Corey nodded. “Mom, Phoebe’s stalker issue should be over tonight. Jason found out who the guy is. He and his brothers are headed to his house to arrest him.”

She and Corey filled them in on all the details they’d learned about McCrae.

Dad Curtis put his arm around Phoebe. “Those boys will get that asshole.”

Dad Eddied nodded. “The Wolfe brothers are good men, Phoebe.”

“I’m worried about them,” she confessed.

“Of course you are, baby. But everything is going to turn out fine. You’ll see.” Her mom kissed her on the cheek. “ Since we’re all up so late, would anyone like some coffee or wine?”

It was clear that her mom was trying to get all their minds off of what was happening in Clover.

“I wouldn’t mind some wine, mom.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve got something else I want to talk to you about.”

“Forget the coffee. Let’s all have some wine,” Dad Curtis said. “It’ll help us relax until the Wolfes return.”

“I’ll get it.” Corey walked to the kitchen. “You visit with the folks.”

“Okay, sweetheart. What is it you want to talk about?” her mom asked. “Perhaps I can help you. Does this have anything to do with you and the Wolfes? I did see you and Lucas sitting together at the O’Learys’ Halloween party.”

“I never can keep anything from you, Mom. And, yes, you’re right. I want to talk to you about Jason, Mitchell, and Lucas.”

“Oh, I’m so excited, dear. We’ve been waiting so long for a reconciliation.”
