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“Maybe. But you should’ve seen it. Gruesome. I just can’t figure it out. So, I took the billfold.”

“You can’t blame yourself, Jason. You were shaken. Taking evidence from a crime scene is against everything you believe in. It’s not like you at all. You wanted to be honest with my sister and my whole family and not make the same mistake you did before.” Corey sighed. “It’s wrong to have removed the billfold, Jason, but I would’ve done the same damn thing. He’s my brother. Now, we’ve got our work cut out for us because we’ve got to get to the bottom of this.”

Jason nodded. “I’m glad you and I are on the same page.”

“If Shane did do this, we need to find him before the investigators figure out he was there. I’m sure his wallet wasn’t the only evidence left. They’ll find something else that will put him at the scene. If he comes forward and confesses, it should help get him a lighter sentence. Killing McCrae, his sister’s stalker, should be considered a crime of passion.”

“That’s a whole bunch of ifs, Corey. I still don’t think Shane did this. He’s capable of a lot. We both know that. But not this. It just doesn’t make sense.”

“Whatever it turns out to be, Jason, you and I will work together. Like I said before. I’ve got your back.”

“Same here. And we both need to have Shane’s back, too.” Jason hoped they could save Shane from whatever demons he faced, whether they were on the inside or outside. Before it is too late.

Chapter Thirteen

Mitchell handed a glass of wine to Phoebe. He and Lucas each held a beer. “We all need to take a second, probably several, to clear our heads about what we just learned from Jason.”

“What exactly did we learn?” Lucas snapped back. “Nothing. Jason thinks Shane murdered McCrae, but as usual, he didn’t give us any real details as to why.”

“I don’t think my head will ever be clear again.” She stared at the wine glass in her hand. “This couldn’t be more horrible.”

“Baby, we can work this all out.” Mitchell hated seeing the pain in her eyes. “Together.”

“Mitchell, you’re wrong.” She looked at him. “We are not together. Not really.”

Knowing how sad and frustrated she felt was killing him and ripping him to shreds. “Don’t say that, sweetheart.”

“Mitchell, I screwed up letting you in again.” She turned to Lucas. “You, too. And Jason. We shouldn’t have tried to rekindle our flame. We’re repeating the same mistakes all over again.”

Hearing the suffering in her voice was gut wrenching. “The only one who screwed up was Jason. Not you. Not me. Not Lucas.”

“It doesn’t matter. My heart is breaking apart again. I thought we could go back to the way it was before

Shane, but now I know we can never go back. Shane will always be a wedge between us.”

“He’s not to me. Shane’s not capable of the horror we saw at the motel.” He grabbed her hand. “Jason is wrong, Phoebe. Whatever we need to do to make sure your brother stays out of prison, I’m on board.”

She pulled her hand away. “So you think he did it? You think he killed McCrae?”

“Honey, I didn’t say that,” he said as gently as he could. “I just said that whatever we need to do to keep him out of prison, that’s what we need to do.”

“Baby, you’re the attorney here.” Lucas’s tone was soft. He, too, knew how fragile she was right now. “You know how to navigate the justice system better than anyone I know. Tell us what to do.”

She sighed. “I’m not sure having you help me save Shane is a good idea, guys. You’re Jason’s brother. Shane is mine.”

They were treading on thin ice. Phoebe was ready to end everything again. Who could blame her after Jason’s pronouncement, followed by his refusal to say why he believed Shane had committed the murder.

“Honey, I would’ve killed McCrae for the shit he put you through.” For her protection, Mitchell knew he would go to whatever lengths necessary. She was the love of his life and he wouldn’t allow anyone to harm her. “I don’t think Shane took the fucker out, but I certainly can understand why he would want to.”

“Maybe so, but would you have mutilated Andy’s body? That’s what you told me and my parents you saw.”

“No. Of course not.” He knew she had a point. Killing someone to protect the one you love was one thing. Mutilation was another. “That’s why I know Shane didn’t do this.”

Phoebe let out a long breath. “I’m glad you agree with me.”

“So do I, baby,” Lucas confessed.

“I wish Jason felt the same way.” Phoebe closed her eyes. “I really need to be alone right now. It’s obvious that everyone, including my mom, wants me to have bodyguards. Fine. You can stay. One of you can take the guest bedroom. The other can take the couch. I have to pack. Ashley and I are leaving for Chicago in the morning. I wish I could I get out of it, but I have no choice. Jennifer is depending on me.”
