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Phoebe stared at the warehouse on Mainstee Road. The building was run-down and every wall filled with graffiti. “God, what is Shane doing here?”

Mitchell put his arm protectively around her. “Let’s go inside and find out, baby.”

They walked up the steps to the door. When it opened, it creaked loudly, adding to her anxiety.

They stepped into an empty room, twenty feet by twenty feet, loaded with boxes. The door directly in front of them was made of steel. There was a keypad next to it. What was on the other side?

She took a deep breath. “Shane, where are you? It’s Phoebe. I’m here.”

Without warning, she was grabbed from behind with a gun piercing her back. Mitchell and Lucas, their eyes full of shock and rage, had suffered the same fate.

From the steel door, two more men with guns appeared. The massive door closed with a loud clang, followed by several metallic sounds. It looked and sounded impenetrable.

Outnumbered and outgunned.

She, Lucas, and Mitchell had flown to Chicago the day before, so they had to leave their weapons behind. God, how she wished she had Lady Equalizer right now. It likely wouldn’t have made any difference in this situation, since the bastards had gotten the drop on them, but it certainly would’ve made her feel better.

“I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you before,” one of the two men in front of them said with a Russian accent. “I apologize for the reception of my father’s men. This is a very dangerous neighborhood. We take security very seriously.” He smiled, and she felt a chill run up and down her spine. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Roman Mitrofanov. You are?”

This guy is Niklaus’s son. “Cut the crap. You know exactly who I am, mister,” she said, pulling courage from some secret place inside her, overcoming her fear. Shane needs me. “I am here to get my brother, Shane.”

“Shane Blue is your brother?”

“You know he is,” she answered.

Was Roman just toying with her or did he really not know?

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lucas and Mitchell. Two of the thugs, the biggest ones of the lot, held her guys by the necks with guns at their backs.

Lucas and Mitchell clearly hadn’t given up, as the determination on their faces revealed they were looking for an opportunity to make an escape.

“That means you must be Phoebe Blue, since Shane only has one sister. Pleasure to meet you. Who are your gentlemen friends, Ms. Blue?”

“You harm one hair on her head, asshole, and I swear I will kill you,” Mitchell choked out.

Roman smiled. “Sir, I don’t believe you are in any position to make threats. Besides, I only want to know who you are. We don’t have many drop-in guests.”

The guy next to Roman stepped forward and punched Mitchell in the gut. “Answer him.”

She had to stop this before someone got hurt. “His name is Mitchell Wolfe.”

Roman’s jaw dropped. “One of the sheriff’s brothers?” He turned his evil gaze to Lucas. “You must be the other brother.”

Her heart pounded violently in her chest. “We didn’t come here to make trouble. I only want to find my brother and we will leave. I swear.”

“There seems to have been some sort of mistake, Roman,” the man holding her said. “Your brother would know what to do about this situation.”

“Anton is not here,” Roman said in a growl. “I am. Now, shut up and let me think.”

Phoebe realized that today might be her last day on earth. Her life was in Roman’s hands right now. She thought about Shane. Was he even in this warehouse or had that only been a ruse? By who? She thought about Jason and felt her heart break. Would she ever see him again? They’d left on a terrible note. Would that be the thing he would remember after she was gone?

Stop it, Phoebe. You’re not dead yet.

“Roman, is your father here? I would like to talk to him. I’m sure he could clear this all up.” What am I saying? Niklaus Mitrofanov is a mobster kingpin, a killer. But she needed time. Her attorney skills kicked into gear. That was all she had that might save them. She needed to get to the top, to the man who could make decisions. That meant she needed to see Niklaus.

Roman’s eyes narrowed for a moment. Had she overstepped? Then he smiled. “I think father would like to see you, too. You and Sheriff Wolfe’s brothers.” He stepped up to the keypad and entered in some numbers.

As the door swung open, Mitrofanov’s men pushed her, Mitchell, and Lucas forward.
