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Lucas and Mitchell came up beside him, stripping off their shirts to place on top of his.

Don’t die on me, Shane.

“This isn’t working either.” The panic in Phoebe’s voice was obvious to him.

Before he could try to calm her down, the two metal doors closed, their locks engaging.

“Oh my God.” Phoebe stared at Brown’s device. She swung it around to him so he could see.

Kip Lunceford’s smiling face filled the screen.

“He’s on mine, too, Jason,” Corey said.

“Here, too,” Agent Smith informed.

“Hello, Sheriff.” Kip’s twisted smile filled Jason with disgust.

“Is this live?” Josh asked.

“Young Mr. Phong, I can assure you this is very live,” Kip taunted.

Jason looked up to the ceiling and saw the cameras. “That’s how he’s seeing us.”

Was the fucker in St. Louis? Were Brown and the rest of the team closing in without his knowledge?

“You are correct, Sherriff, about the cameras. That and your CIA top-of-the-line devices.”

“How did you hack into them, Lunceford?” Agent Smith asked.

“Like taking candy from a baby, Neil. Now, if you will all just be quiet for a moment, I will tell you why you are here.”

Jason felt rage roll up inside him like a tsunami. “You want us to believe you had something to do with this, Kip? Bullshit.”

“You underestimate me, Sheriff. I had everything to do with it.”

“You’re lying, asshole” Corey cursed. “You might’ve been watching from the cameras when we came in here, but Jason and I came to Chicago to find my brother.”

“True, Marshal. You came because of the photograph I sent the lovely Joanne Brown, didn’t you? Little did you know, Shane had a gun to his back.” The motherfucker smiled. “Photoshop has helped me more than you can know.”

“Son of a bitch,” Corey shot back.

Kip frowned. “My mother is dead, Marshal. That’s not nice to say about her.”

Lunceford had killed his parents. He didn’t give a fuck about anyone.

“Get on with what you have to say, Lunceford, and be done with it.” Jason noticed Phoebe’s hand was shaking, but she continued holding the ROC so he could see it.

“Please, Mr. Lunceford, unlock the doors,” she pleaded. “My brother needs an ambulance.”

“Ms. Blue, it’s so nice to see you, but you are wrong about your brother. All of you have been so wrong.”

Jason wondered what the creep meant by that.

“He’s been shot,” Phoebe choked out. “Can’t you see that from the cameras? He does need medical attention.”

“Unfortunately, he won’t survive today, Ms. Blue.” Lunceford cleared his throat as if he was about to deliver a sermon. “I’ll get back to your brother and what I know about him, but first, let me begin with how I came up with this brilliant plan. It all began with Niklaus trying to stiff me of my money.”

“It wasn’t your money,” Jason said. “It was TBK’s.”
