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She was smiling, which filled him with joy.

Tonight they were going to have her take a pregnancy test.

She was only a week late, which she told them did happen sometimes. But he could sense something different in her.

God, I hope she’s pregnant.

He and his brothers were ready to be dads, and he knew Phoebe would make a wonderful mother.

“Hi, honey,” she said, leaning over and giving Jason a kiss.

“Hey, baby.” He scooted over and she slid in next to him.

Lucas and Mitchell pulled over a couple of chairs from an empty table.

“Good to see you up and around, Shane,” Lucas said.

“Good to be up and around, too. I’m

ready for some good old- fashioned dragon hunting. How about you guys? I think it would be fun to take Juan and the other boys next weekend. Are you game?”

“I am,” Mitchell chimed in.

“Wait a second.” Phoebe shook her head.

“Something wrong, sis?” Shane asked.

“You just got released by Doc. It’s too soon for you to ride a horse or hike in the mountains.”

“That’s just the point. I have been released.” Shane grabbed her hands. “You should be more concerned about your wedding than about me. I can take care of myself.”

“When’s the date you tie the knot?” Corey grinned. “I’ve checked the Destiny Daily and haven’t seen anything published about it yet.”

“April 12th,” Shane said. “I know. I’m the best man.”

“When were you guys planning on telling the other groomsmen?” Corey teased. “We need to know, too.”

Phoebe smiled. “You two seem pretty excited about my wedding.”

“They are, baby. That’s all they’ve been talking about this morning with me.” Jason turned to Shane and Corey. “Maybe you should worry about your own love life and go talk to Belle.”

“No time like the present.” Shane slid out of the booth.

Corey nodded and did the same.

Before they took a single step Belle’s direction, Jason got a message on his ROC.

“Hold on, fellows.” He pulled out the device that Brown had given him.

The team’s ROCs had been recalibrated by Matt, Sean, and Jena so that Kip wouldn’t be able to hack in again. Agent Black congratulated them on the new security saying it was being implemented throughout the CIA’s network.

Black’s sudden appearance from the grave had shocked and thrilled Brown. Turned out the two had worked together on a couple of missions a year ago.

Black was the senior agent of the team now, with Brown reporting to him.

Shannon’s Eight been renamed to Shannon’s Elite. New agents would be coming to Destiny soon.

“Maybe Lunceford has been found,” Shane said, pulling out his own ROC.
