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“How long will you be gone?”

“I really don’t know. Just however long it takes. I’m not sure how to pack for this kind of trip. I wish you were here to help me.” She missed her daughter very much. They didn’t have the typical mother-daughter relationship now that Gabby was an adult. They were extremely open with each other and shared everything. Gabby was her closest friend. “I guess I’ll need to take both suitcases if it ends up being an extended stay.”

“Definitely, both suitcases, Mom. I’m sure you’ll be dining out with some of the GWI executives while you’re there. You want to make a good impression. Be sure to take that little red dress I bought you for Christmas.” Gabby’s taste was excellent, though the neckline of that dress plunged more than any other Izzy owned. “You look perfect in it with your cute figure. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet a nice man and fall in love.”

Izzy grinned. “You’re such the romantic, honey. Your old mom is happy just the way she is. I don’t have time for a relationship with anyone. I’m just getting my career off the ground. But you? That’s a different story. Which reminds me, I met two very charming and handsome men today that would be perfect for you.”

“Two? Mom, I only could handle one at a time.”

“They are twins, Gabby, and go together like bookends.”

“Listen to you.” Her daughter laughed. “Maybe I should start reading those erotic romances you love so much.”

“Seriously, sweetheart, they are incredibly good looking and have manners…” She recalled the fun banter she’d shared with them, “…like knights of old.”

“It sounds like you are the one interested in them.”

“They are much too young for me. Perfect for you.”

“Mom, this is the twenty-first century. Don’t be ridiculous. What flight will you be on?”

She grinned. “I’m not flying commercial. I’m flying on GWI’s corporate jet.”

“Oh my God. You’re a big shot. So the two jerks are going to Chicago. Is anyone going with you to London or are you going alone?”

“I’m going with Clay and Jay.”

“You mean the twins you were just talking about?”

“The very same, but don’t be getting any ideas, young lady.” She took a sip of wine. “This is strictly work.”

“Sure, Mom. If you say so,” Gabby said in that I-know-better tone. “Tell me more about these two hot guys.”

“Gabriella Clemens, you are a little devil.”

“Just like my mom. Spill it. I want details.”

“Fine. I give up.” Izzy told her all about the meeting and about the lunch. Images of Clay and Jay appeared in her mind. “I really would love to introduce you to them when you get home for summer break.”

“Great, I’ll be excited about meeting my new dads.”

Izzy shook her head. “You just won’t quit, will you?”

“It’s time for you, Mom. You deserve a little happiness for yourself.”

“Maybe so, but with someone closer to my own age. Enough discussion about that, honey,” she said, knowing her daughter wasn’t about to back down. “I need to get packed, take a bath, and get to bed. I’ve got a long flight in the morning. Good luck on your test tomorrow.”

“And good luck on your trip to London with Sir Clay and Sir Jay.”

* * * *

Enjoying a beer, Clay leaned over the terrace railing and looked out at the city’s skyline. The terrace surrounded his and Jay’s penthouse and afforded 360-degree views of Dallas.

Jay came out and joined him, handing him a fresh beer and carrying one of his own. “Beautiful night.”

“It sure is.” Clay wondered how Izzy would react to being up forty-two stories from the ground. He would love to find out. “How long have we owned this place?”

“Two years.”
