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“Okay, but it’s very obvious she’s in to them. What woman wouldn’t be? Zane and Maddox are sizzling hot.”

“Just friends,” Toni repeated as she grabbed his and Zane’s hands and squeezed.

“With benefits,” Blue Blouse repeated, and then all three women grinned.


; Toni continued holding his and Zane’s hands, while denying there was anything more than friendship she felt for them. Her words didn’t match her actions.

Mixed messages? Most certainly.

He loved the feel of her delicate hands and wasn’t about to pull free of her hold.

“Really, we are good friends, ladies,” she continued. “That’s all.”

Was she trying to convince herself? It sure seemed so.

Zane looked past her to his brother. It was clear that Maddox, too, liked her holding his hand as much as he did.

When it seemed that Toni realized she wasn’t getting anywhere on convincing the other three women, she let go of his and Zane’s hand.

She reached down under the table and slipped on her sexy, red stilettos. Then she stood. “I’ve had a wonderful time getting to know you ladies, but I need to go home. I’m expecting a call from my sons.” She turned back and forth from him and Zane. “Good night, guys.”

“Let us walk you to your car,” he said, rising from his chair. “We need to call it an early night, too.”

She smiled. “I’d like that.”

Maybe luck is finally turning Maddox’s and my way.

Chapter Four

Toni knew why she’d agreed to let Zane and Maddox walk her to her car. Because she’d been annoyed with the women at the way they blatantly flirted with Zane and Maddox. The tinge of jealousy that she’d felt was unusual for her. She couldn’t ever remember being jealous about anyone before. And she knew it was foolish. Yet there was something about feeling that way toward Zane and Maddox that excited her. She needed to get a grip though. They weren’t hers to be jealous over.

She’d told the three women the truth. Zane and Maddox were her friends. Nothing more. More wasn’t possible, even though she’d been having dreams about the sexy pilots almost every night since meeting them.

Despite being just friends, she’d been happy to leave Cami’s engagement party with the two sexiest men in the place. But now she wasn’t sure it was a good idea. Walking between Zane and Maddox was making her warm all over.

And what about Maddox’s kiss? Since walking out of the kitchen not a word had been spoken concerning it. Still, she couldn’t stop thinking about his kiss. In her opinion, Maddox could teach a whole course on kissing. She’d never been kissed like that before. His lips had taken her to such an intense place it prevented her from thinking clearly. So warm. So delicious. So perfect.

Best to keep her mind on something else, anything else.

“I’m parked there,” she said, pointing to her white Honda Civic she called ‘Angel.’ It had been the first new car she’d purchased after losing her parents.

“Nice ride, Toni,” Maddox said.

“You’re just saying that. It’s twelve years old.”

“I’m not just saying that. I’m serious. You’ve kept it in great condition. And I think it suits you.”

“Suits me? That’s true. She’s just like me. Old but in pretty good condition. That is an accurate description in so many ways.” She grinned. “Angel and I have over a hundred and thirty thousand miles on us.”

“They’re the most gorgeous miles I’ve ever seen in my life, Toni.” Zane curled his lips into that devastating smile of his she couldn’t get enough of. “And just look at that chassis. Spot on.”

She grinned. “Angel’s?”

“Oh yeah. Hers, too. Yes. Maddox is right. You’ve taken good care of her.”

“She was a thirtieth birthday present to myself. I know it’s probably time to trade the old girl in, but I’m just not ready.” Angel represented a time in her life when she finally felt free of the past.
