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Joel smiled weakly. “Mom, I won’t worry if you won’t.”

“Deal. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Joel’s image disappeared, and full-on terror swept inside of her. She immediately tried to call Restin’s cell. But like Joel had told her, it went instantly to voicemail.

Trying to keep her head, she started looking for a flight to get to her sons. There were no seats available until tomorrow morning. I can’t wait that long. I’ve got to leave now.

“I’ll call Izzy. I’ll use the jet.” With hands shaking, she called her friend.

“Hi, Toni. What’s up?”

“I need your jet,” she blurted out, feeling the earth crumble under her feet. “Restin is missing. I’ve got to get to my boys. Please help me.”

“You go pack your clothes and I’ll take care of everything. Just be ready.”

“Thank you, Izzy. You’re a lifesaver once again. I just couldn’t get a flight out to—”

“Quit talking. Just go pack. I’ve got this for you, Toni.”

She ran to her room and pulled her suitcase out of the closet, shoving clothes in with little thought. Toothpaste. Razor. Brush. Where is my son?

“I’m calling that policeman right now.” She zipped up her suitcase and dialed the number.

“Detective Hartman.”

“Detective, this Toni Edmunds, Joel and Restin Edmunds’ mother. I understand you don’t intend to look for my son for three days. I’m here to tell you right now this is not in his character, and I would appreciate you start looking for my son now before something terrible happens to him.”

“Mrs. Edmunds, I can assure you that we will do our best but that these kind of situations usually are easily explained and end up being just a mis—”

“Detective, you’re not listening. My son would not just disappear without some kind of notification. Restin and Joel are twins. They have always shared everything with each other. I’m their mother. Something is wrong. Very wrong.”

“Calm down, Mrs. Edmunds.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down. If you

have children, you must understand.”

“I do and I know you’re upset.” The detective’s voice softened. “Mrs. Edmunds, I will help you find your son.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ve taken Joel’s statement. Is there anything that you can tell me about your son that might help with my investigation?”

* * * *

Maddox turned off the faucets in his shower, stepped out, and wrapped a towel around his waist. His cell was buzzing next to the sink. “Hello?”

“Maddox, it’s Izzy.” Her voice sounded shaky. “I need you and Zane to take Toni to Milwaukee tonight on the jet.”

“Not possible, Izzy. The jet is being serviced. It can’t fly for another couple days.”


“What’s the matter?”

“Toni’s son is missing. What to do? What to do?”
