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Your two friends. “I’m sorry. I was so caught up in the moment and worried about Restin I forgot to introduce you.” She turned to the guys. “This is my son Joel. Joel, these gentlemen are Zane and Maddox Kavanagh. They were so kind to use their plane and bring me here.”

“I remember you. We met at Aunt Izzy’s wedding. Thanks for helping my mom.”

“Nice to see you again,” Zane said.

Maddox nodded. “It’s our pleasure to help you and your mom.”

“I hate to rush everyone,” Joel said, “but our flight leaves in under two hours and I’m sure you guys need to talk to someone about leaving your plane here.”

“It won’t take long,” Zane said. “But yes, we need to hurry.”

As they rushed to get to the gate for their flight, Toni’s head was spinning because there were so many unanswered questions. Peter was back. Damn. She’d always dreaded this might happen—her ex coming back into her boys’ lives, but she was ready for him. She was no longer the young, inexperienced woman Peter left and stole from before. She was ready for him and whatever line of BS he was shoveling. Her father’s money wasn’t the issue now. In fact, whatever the bastard hadn’t spent let him keep it. Just stay out of my sons’ lives and leave us alone.

Chapter Eight

Sitting next to his brother on the plane in first class, Maddox was on his cell talking to Jay and Clay Gibbs. Toni and her son sat across the aisle from them. Toni was exhausted, but he doubted she would sleep. She was too wound up about Restin. So was Joel.

Maddox looked at Zane and spoke into his cell. “We’re about to take off, so I only have a few seconds, guys.”

“A man named Timothy will meet you when you land,” Jay said. “I’ll send you a photo of him so you’ll know what he looks like. Timothy will have the extra equipment you requested.”

Extra equipment. Two Glocks, one for him and one for Zane. Not legal but necessary to protect Toni, since they had no idea what they would be facing once they got to Peter Swift’s compound. I’d go to prison for her.

The picture of Timothy popped in on his phone.

“Got the photo, guys.”

“Timothy has extensive military training as well as being extremely familiar with the island,” Jay said. “He’ll be a real asset to you.”

“We’ve got all the info we need to get the ball rolling,” Clay said. “If the bastard is hiding Toni’s money in Jamaica, we’ll know it shortly.”

Having Jay and Clay as close friends was a good thing. And them being billionaires helped in this situation. “I’m so glad you have all these connections to support Toni.”

“We care about her, too. She’s Izzy’s best friend and sister of the heart. We’ll do whatever it takes. We have a call into the US ambassador in Jamaica. We should hear back from him soon.”

Jay jumped in, “We have our whole finance team working on this, Maddox. They’re the best forensic accountants in the world.”

“Zane and I owe you big for this, fellas.”

“You don’t owe us a thing,” Jay said. “Just find her other son and get back home safe and sound.”

A voice came over the intercom. “Now we request your full attention as the flight attendants demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft.”

“Guys, we’re about to take off. I’ll call you when we land in Jamaica.” He turned off his cell and put it away.

After the safety briefing, Maddox turned to Zane. “Hard to believe we’re on our way to Jamaica.”

“Yeah. It’s a good thing Toni brought her passport.”

Being pilots, he and Zane always traveled with theirs. “Not necessary for Milwaukee, but she told me that hers stays in her travel bag. She missed a flight one time because she left it at home.”

Zane nodded. “Maybe the Fates are smiling on us after all, bro.”

“There’s something that keeps bothering me though about what Joel told us.”

“You’re talking about the note, right? It just couldn’t disappear into thin air.”

“Exactly. Something about that is fishy. And that Restin had to use the groundskeeper’s phone to reach his brother. What’s up with that? I can’t imagine his father’s compound wouldn’t have a landline.” Maddox glanced over at Toni. “I don’t want to worry her, but when we get a chance let’s talk to Joel about this.”
