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“You fucking asshole! You die first then.” Peter grabbed the gun.

Not caring about her own safety, she leapt toward her son, hoping to save him. God, let the bullet hit me not Restin. She landed on Restin, knocking him to the floor, and immediately she felt someone land on her. It was Joel.

Peter started laughing. “You three are making it too easy for me.”

She looked up at him. “Please don’t do this. I beg you.”

“Fuck you.” He raised the gun, and she held her breath.

Zane. Maddox. Where are you?

A twisted grin appeared on Peter’s face, and then she heard gunfire. Peter’s eyes widened. As sirens began to wail off in the distance, he fell to the ground.

Chapter Eleven

“Take really good care of him,” Maddox said to the EMTs.

They were strapping Timothy, the man who had played a pivotal role in saving their lives, onto the stretcher. He’d taken two bullets from Peter’s men during the gun battle—one in his leg and the other in his chest—but thankfully they’d been told he was going to make it.

The EMT closest to him nodded. “We will, sir. Don’t worry. He’ll be up and about in no time.”

Barely able to talk, Timothy whispered, “Wait. I want to say something to my friend.”

“You need to make it quick, sir. We need to get you to the hospital.”


“I’m here, buddy.” He leaned in close and grabbed the hero’s hand.

“Will you let Clay and Jay know we did it, we got Toni’s son?” Timothy’s voice was weak.

“Of course I will. And I’m going to let them know you need a bonus for all you did today.”

Timothy smiled. “I love it when a plan works and no one gets hurt on our side.”

“What about you? You took two bullets for the team.”

“Not the first time I’ve been shot, but I’m just glad Toni and her boys are leaving here without a scratch.”

“That’s all the time we have, sir,” the EMT said, and he and his partner loaded Timothy into the back of one of the two ambulances. The other ambulance was for the man Timothy had shot, Leron, Peter’s lieutenant.

Less than a minute after Maddox and Zane shot Peter, Jamaican law enforcement had arrived on scene, a result of Clay and Jay’s call to the United States ambassador. It turned out that Peter had been on the local government’s most wanted watch list for a long time. The motherfucker had been involved not only in trafficking of drugs, but also of humans for the past several years. According to the officer who had taken all their statements, Jamaica was so much better off now that Peter Swift was dead. The three thugs who worked directly for him would be spending the rest of their lives behind bars.

He glanced over at Toni, who was sitting by the compound’s pool with her two sons. Toni was concerned for them and they were concerned for her. Of course Joel and Restin were upset about the terrible ordeal they’d just gone through, but they weren’t any more moved by Peter’s death than they would have been a stranger’s they’d read about in the paper. They had no relationship with the man. Thank God.

Toni hadn’t left Joel’s and Restin’s sides since Peter had been shot. God, she was so strong, so courageous, and so smart. So very smart, with incredible instincts to know she needed to keep the bastard talking, which gave Zane and me time to take Peter down.

All but Zane had finished giving their statements to the officials, and he’d been talking to them for the past ten minutes. Maddox believed he would be finished shortly. Good. Then they could all get in the van and head to the hotel. He knew Toni needed rest in the worst way. She had to be completely exhausted even though she never complained.

Maddox brought out his cell. This was the first opportunity he’d had to call Clay and Jay.

“Hey, Maddox,” Clay said. “You’re on speaker. Jay is with me. Is everyone okay?”

“Yes, but Timothy is being taken to the hospital.” He filled them in on Timothy’s situation and everything that had happened. “The fucker just wanted Joel and Restin’s trust fund.”

“We actually have an office in the Caymans, Maddox,” Clay said.

“We might be able to get some answers as early as tonight but definitely by tomorrow,” Jay added.
