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“Told you, Toni,” Izzy said. “They’re perfect for you.”

“And you’re perfect for them,” Cami added.

“I think you’re right. I’m falling hard and fast for them, but I can’t help it. Look what they did for me. I know I can trust them.”

“Sweetie, that’s great news,” Izzy said. “We can’t wait for you to get back home to Dallas.”

“Me either, but we’re going to fly to Milwaukee with Joel and Restin. Maddox and Zane’s plane is there.”

Cami laughed. “Any excuse for you to spend more time with those two handsome pilots works for me and Izzy.”

“Me, too,” she confessed. “I need to get cleaned up and check on Joel and Restin. I will call you when we land in Dallas. I love you both so very much.”

“We love you,” they said in unison.

After the call, Toni took a bath. Just as she stepped out of the tub and began drying off, she heard a knock on the door.

“Hold on,” she yelled, expecting her two sons.

Their flight wasn’t for another seven hours, but she’d made plans last night to go to lunch with Joel and Restin today. Even though it was a little early, she knew firsthand how voracious her boys’ appetites could be. She wasn’t surprised that they would be knocking so early on her door to go eat.

She finished drying off and grabbed the plush white robe the hotel provided. She opened the door and found Zane and Maddox with a bellman, who had a rolling cart filled with a wide assortment of breakfast food—pancakes, bacon, eggs, all kinds of fruit, coffee, juice, toast, jam, and more. Enough to feed all three of us.

“We thought you might be hungry,” Maddox said.

“Starving. Thank you.” She turned to the bellman, remembering her lunch plans with her boys. I know they will understand why I can’t eat with them. “Please, you can put it over there.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the bellman said.

Maddox gave him a tip and the man left.

Zane closed the door. “Sweetheart, Joel and Restin asked me to tell you that they won’t be able to have lunch with you today.”

“Oh, really?”

He nodded. “After the four of us left your room last night, we went down to the restaurant and had a late dinner. They told us how they wished they had time to see more of the island, so Maddox and I paid for a tour for them that will also give them a couple of hours at the beach.”

She grinned. “That sounds like my sons. Thank you for doing that for them. After all they’ve been through I’m glad they have a chance to have some fun and get their minds off of what happened with Peter.”

“That’s what we were thinking, too,” Maddox said, pulling out a chair while Zane moved the food from the cart to the dining room table.

They all sat down and began eating.

She took a bite of the quiche, which was layered with bits of bacon. “This is delicious.”

“These are good, too,” Zane said, sampling the pancakes.

Maddox nodded, filling his plate with fruit.

After they finished eating, she leaned back in the chair and drank some coffee. She looked at these two amazing men and felt her emotions begin to take over. “You can’t imagine how thankful I am for all you did for me and my sons.”

Zane took her hand and squeezed and Maddox put his arm around her.

“I’m sorry for all I put you through when you were asking me out. I just didn’t know if I could ever trust again. After Peter.”

“Honey, we know,” Maddox said.
