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“I could use some of that cake now. At least just a taste. I’m hungry, how about you, mi amor?” Roberto asked.

“Yes, please.”

Miguel retrieved the container and opened the minibar. “This limo has everything. Forks and plates. Just what we need.”

She smiled. “How about coffee?”

“There are cups but no coffee, but we can take care of that.” He leaned forward and addressed the driver. “Do you know where we can get a good cup of coffee at this hour?”

“I do, sir.”

“Don’t bother,” she said.

“It’s no bother, miss.” The driver passed back a thermos to Miguel. “No one makes coffee better than my wife.”

“Thanks, buddy.” Miguel poured the coffee into a cup and handed it to her.

She took a sip. “You weren’t lying. This is absolutely delicious. Does she have a special blend?”

“She won’t tell me, so I always have to depend on her. Any time I try to make coffee, it ends up tasting terrible.”

“I can make more at my house for us, though it won’t be as good as this.”

Roberto stroked her hair. “Since it’s your coffee, mi amor, I have no doubt it will be excellent. Besides, I wouldn’t want to share a cup with anyone more than you.”

“What a charmer you are, Roberto Sanchez.” She turned to Miguel. “I will take a taste of Pierre’s cake, thanks.” She was still tingling from their lovemaking. How lucky she felt just being with them.

Miguel put a piece on one of the plates and passed it to her. “Here you go, sweetheart.”

“Oh my God, this tastes even better than it did at Pierre’s restaurant.” She took a couple more bites, relishing in the sweetness. The coffee from the thermos paired perfectly with the dessert, bringing out more flavors. Roberto and Miguel were also enjoying the cake and coffee. I’m falling for them already and it’s only our first date. What a first date, though. Oh my God.

When the limo stopped in front of her home, the driver got out and opened the door for them. They all got out. Miguel handed the thermos to him. “You saved the day for us and this lovely lady. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.”

She walked up to the man. He had kind eyes. “Please tell your wife thanks, too. And if she ever wants to share how she makes it, I’ll be the first in line.”

He smiled. “I certainly will.”

The light from her lamppost illuminated his nameplate, which was pinned to his shirt. “Hank?” Her entire body stiffened as her ancient pain rose to the surface.

“Yes, miss. That’s my name. Is everything okay?”

“Of course. I’m just very tired.” She wanted to run into her house, lock the doors, and shut the blinds. She’d made a big mistake. What did she know about men? Nothing. Her ex Hank had proved that to her long ago. But she tried to keep her cool, her composure, to hide her feelings from the two men who had made love to her in the back of the limo. “Guys, I’m sorry, but suddenly I’m very tired. Can we make it another time?”

Miguel and Roberto looked confused.

“Really, I’ll make this up to you.” But I won’t. I can never see them again. She didn’t like lying, but what else could she do? She’d been down the rabbit hole before and had barely escaped. Not again. Not ever again. “Goodnight.”

She turned and walked up to her front door, not waiting for them to respond. She needed to get away. Needed to shut them out. Needed to fall on her bed and cry herself to sleep. In the morning, maybe things would be better.

Chapter Nine

Roberto saw Camille’s door shut and her porch light go dark. “What the hell just happened?”

“I have no fucking idea,” Miguel said. “She seemed so happy. Do you think we should go knock on her door and make sure she’s okay?”

“No. She made it very clear that she doesn’t want to be around us any longer tonight.” He knew something had triggered the change in her, but he didn’t have a clue as to what. “Hank, we’ll need a ride home.”
