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“What? I can’t.”

“Of course you can,” Izzy said with a smile. “That’s a terrific idea.”

“I agree,” Toni said. “Get her out of the country until we can track down Hank or whoever is calling her.”

“Wait a second, I have appointments.”

“I’m sure your assistant can handle all of that until you get back,” Izzy said. “You’ve always said how much you trust her.”

“I do trust her, but—”

“So trust her, Cami, and just go. Toni and I will work with my guys to get to the bottom of this.” Izzy turned to him and Roberto. “Why don’t I have the Kavanaghs fly you to Spain on our jet tonight? That way you won’t have to wait.”

“That would be terrific,” Roberto said.

“Then it’s all settled.” Izzy stood.

“Roberto, we’ll need to call Alessandra and let her know.” He was glad to get Cami somewhere safe. Somewhere he could protect her. “If Alessandra can’t make it tonight, she can join us tomorrow in Madrid. She is coordinating the entire trip.”

Cami smiled, the worry fading from her face.

God, she is beautiful. To have survived all she went through just amazes me. And it made him want to win her heart even more.

Izzy handed her cell to Toni. “Would you mind calling the Kavanaghs and setting everything up? There number is in my directory. I need to call Jay and Clay from the landline and let them know what’s happening.”

Toni sighed. “I can see past your little ruse, Izzy, but yes, I’ll call them.”

It was obvious Izzy was trying to play matchmaker for the Kavanaghs and Toni, but Toni didn’t seem interested in them, or any man, for that matter.

“Cami, Toni and I will be right back to take you to your place to pack.”

“I really appreciate all you’re doing for me, Izzy.”

“We’re all doing it for you, honey.” Izzy left the living room with Toni, who was already on the phone with the two pilots.

Cami’s blue eyes were questioning. “Are you sure about this?”

Miguel and Roberto walked over to her, each taking one of her hands and bringing them to their lips.

“Yes, we are certain, sweetheart,” Roberto said. “Very certain.”

“Don’t think of it as us trying to get you out of the country until your prank caller is found.” He smiled. “Just think of it as a do-over date, mi amor.”

“This time, I’ll make sure the ending is better.” She wrapped her arms around him and Roberto. “Thank you for understanding. You can’t imagine what allowing me to go to Spain with you means to me.”

Chapter Twelve

“I can’t believe I’m going to Spain tonight.” Cami walked up to her front door with her two friends. “This is all so surreal and exciting.”

“We just want to keep you safe until we get to the bottom of this prank call situation,” Toni said.

“It’s more than that, Toni. She gets to spend quality time with the Sanchez brothers in Madrid, a very romantic city, from what I’ve heard,” Izzy added. “Cami, they were very understanding and concerned for you when you told them about what happened.”

“Yes, they were.” They were wonderful. She reached in her purse and pulled out her keys. But when she put the key in the deadbolt, she realized it wasn’t locked. “That’s strange. I know I was upset, but to forget to lock my door is very unusual for me.”

“Wait a second before you open the door, Cami.” Toni brought out pepper spray from her purse. “Just to be sure.”

She opened the door and saw the living room was just as she’d left it this morning. Peanut came running. She lifted him into her arms, and felt him trembling. “It’s okay, boy. I’m home.” She turned to her friends. “See. Everything is fine. I guess it was just my nerves.”
