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When they arrived at the hotel’s front door, the woman in the housecoat looked up from her computer. Her eyes glittered with a suspicious light as she looked them over.

Jackson smiled. “Hi, Aunt Maude. Don’t let us disturb you now. You go back to updating your Facebook.”

“You and your brothers aren’t too old for me to call your mama if there’s any trouble. I think my sister could still tan your backsides if need be. Miss Greene is my guest. You boys better be nice. You hear?” Maude said with a twinkle in her eye, followed by a wink to her.

“Yes, ma’am,” Phoenix and Denver said in unison.

Dallas reached for one of the chocolate chip cookies on the glass dish on the counter.

Maude slapped the back of his hand. “Young man, those are for guests.”

He leaned across the counter and kissed the woman on the cheek. “But I love your cookies. You’re the best cook in Wilde.”

“Sweet talker. Fine. Take one.” Maude grinned and then turned to Jessica. “If these boys don’t behave, you call me, alright? I’ll change their Facebook statuses to wishing they were dead, if you know what I mean.”

Jessica relaxed, seeing the exchange between Aunt Maude and the brothers. It made sense to her that they were related since Wilde was a small town. Couldn’t be too many families in the area? There was real love between the woman and them. No doubt Maude could handle these cowboys with a single word. “I will. Thank you.”

“Good night, hun.”

“Let’s go, Miss Greene.” Jackson led her to the hotel’s staircase with the beautiful antique oak railing.

On the wall were oil paintings of landscapes and wildlife that she imagined were from the area. In other circumstances, she would’ve enjoyed taking them in, but with each step closer to her room her breaths came faster. She wondered if Jackson might want a kiss goodnight. I sure wouldn’t mind one from him. Once she tasted Jackson’s lips, she would say goodnight. Next, she’d rush into her hotel room and shut the door, leaving Jackson and his brothers in the hall. Finally, she could revel in the memory of being showered with such manly attention. Like Jackson is really going to kiss me.

When they arrived at her door, she took the key, not plastic card, and unlocked the door. She opened it and turned around. “Thank you, guys. This has been a fun night.”

Dallas stepped forward. “It sure has.” Instantly, he planted his lips against her mouth in a shocker of a kiss. She’d expected this from Jackson, but she couldn’t deny that she damn near melted at the feel of Dallas’s warm lips on her. This was no peck, but a full-on kiss, causing her toes to curl. When he stepped back, she felt blood heat up her cheeks with a flush.

Before she could get her bearings, Denver edged forward. He cradled her hips in his broad hands. His hot gaze made her tremble. “You knock my socks off, honey.”

Leaning into her, he kissed her eyes closed. Next, he took her mouth with his own. Softer than Dallas’s kiss had been, but just as possessive, it jetted tingles spread through her body.

After the last kiss ended, another began. She opened her eyes and instantly realized this one was from Phoenix. He parted his lips and his probing tongue made her delightfully lightheaded as the embrace heated her up from the inside out. He crushed her against his chest with his hand on her back, forcing her to stretch up on her tiptoes. His tongue pushed past her lips once more and swept the inside of her mouth like a conquering invader. The friction of their bodies had her nipples peaked and throbbing. An ache grew deep inside her. For more.

When Phoenix ended their kiss, he licked her neck. “There’s a lot to learn about you, isn’t there? You’re something else.” His tone was serious, with a hint of hunger.

Next she felt Jackson’s hand on her shoulder. He turned her to face him, a question about their actions on her lips. But he cupped her chin and looked at her with worship. Suddenly, she couldn’t find her tongue.

“You’re so beautiful, Jessie,” Jackson murmured.

“I–It’s J–Jessica.” In Manhattan, she’d be considered a bit plump with average looks. Super-slim was always the pinnacle. Apparently to Jackson and his brothers, she was beautiful. That had her body buzzing and her head spinning.

“You’re Jessie to us.” Without another word, he covered her mouth with his own.

He molded his lips to hers, moving softly as first, but picking up the pace as he hauled her close. Suddenly, his hand lightly brushed her breast, sending a tingling sensation shooting through her body. His tongue moved along the seam of her lips. Oh, my God! This is happening.

She felt Jackson’s hand graze her hip as he shoved the door open. He lifted her up in his arms, and she wrapped her hands around his neck. She’d never felt so dizzy with desire in her life. At this moment, she didn’t give a damn about anything else. All of her worries and insecurities fell away as his tongue invaded and plundered her mouth. She felt feminine and wanted, something she’d always craved.

Jackson never removed his lips from hers as he toted her into the room. Footsteps told her that his brothers followed. Her heart thudded like a jackhammer in her chest, still reeling from being passed around so each could steal a kiss from her. Foolish or not, she wanted what they were offering more than words could express. Hell, she deserved it. This was her birthday.

Jackson kissed her as he carried her gently to the bed. His lips played and sucked at hers. She felt her back hit the mattress, but her mind was whirling. All that seemed to matter was the heat of his body against hers. He rolled on top of her, and she could feel the bulge of his cock through his jeans. He wanted her. They all did. Please, let this moment go on forever. She threaded her hands in his hair, enjoying the softness she found there. She could feel the other brothers’ eyes on them, watching intently. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she should protest, but the attention just caused her clit to swell and her pussy to dampen. Though nervousness rocked inside of her, it now had a dance partner—desire.

“That is so fucking hot, you two.” Phoenix’s voice sounded more like a growl than words. Since he was the closest to her and Jackson, she was able to catch a glimpse of his hazel eyes. They were burning with passion, and her temperature rose.

Jackson released her lips, now swollen and throbbing from their overwhelming kiss. “Jessie, tell us what you want.”

Jessica was beginning to like the sound of the nickname he’d given her, especially the passionate way he said it. She squirmed under him as need clawed deep inside her body. “This is crazy to me. I don’t really know what I want. I just know I want to be here with you.”

“No problem.” He grinned, his eyes sparkling with intent. “We’ll take care of you. Don’t worry about anything, sweetheart.”
