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“It’s okay, Jessie. You’re okay, now.”

“You saved me. I’d be at the bottom of the drop if you hadn’t followed me.”

“Don’t think about that. Together, we got your car stopped. You used your head when I got in front of you and kept the car steady. Because you’re as smart as you are, everything is okay.”

For how long Jessie kept shaking and he kept holding her, she didn’t know. She only wanted him to not stop. Ever.

* * * *

Phoenix walked back into Jackson’s living room. His brothers—Dallas and Denver—looked up at him. “Jessie is still asleep.”

Dallas raised his hand. “I’ll check on her next, bro.”

“Sure. Check on her in about fifteen minutes.”

The front door opened wide, and Jackson rushed in. “Where is she?”

“In your bed, bro. She’s okay.” Phoenix was glad to see his lil’ brother. They all needed to figure things out fast. “Try not to wake her, but go see for yourself.”

Jackson went down the hall.

Phoenix turned to Denver. “So, what did you find out about her brakes?”

“I think I should wait for Jackson before I tell you.”

That didn’t sound good. Seeing her car speeding down Suicide Hill had filled Phoenix with unbelievable panic and dread. He’d acted completely on instinct when he’d sped ahead of her out-of-control car. His only thought was that he had to save her. If he failed, then he wanted to die along with the woman he loved.

Jackson returned, shaking his head. “I should’ve been here. This wouldn’t have happened if I’d stayed with her.”

Denver stood up. “I don’t think it would’ve mattered. Take a seat, bro.”

Jackson sat down.

Phoenix didn’t like how serious Denver was being. “What did you find?”

“Jessie’s brake line was cut and all the fluid drained out.”

Rage filled Phoenix. Someone’s face was going to meet his fists firsthand. “Who did it?”

Denver shook his head. “I don’t know. But someone doesn’t like Jessie being in town enough to try to scare her. I’m not sure whoever is behind this wanted more than that. If she’d been going the posted speed, the worst might have been a fender bender.”

“That’s bullshit, Denver.” Jackson’s eyes closed tight. “She could’ve been killed. You know the people in this town. There’s more than a dozen, maybe more, who would commit murder to get what they wanted.”

Dallas’s face darkened. “A couple of names come to mind. Samantha has been acting really odd lately.”

Denver rubbed his chin. “But do you really think she’s capable of killing?”

“Who knows? And then there’s Paul’s cousin, Frank.”

“He’s worked at the mine for twelve years. I know he’s a bit odd, but he doesn’t seem the killer type to me. Why would he do such a thing?”

“Jessie is investigating the mine. His cousin nearly killed her. Maybe Frank thinks it would get the heat off of him.”

Jackson sat silent, his eyes closed.

Phoenix knew he was working through suspects just like he was. “Jackson, who do you think would have it in for Jessie?”

“We’re all dancing around the prime suspect, and you know it.”
