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“Thanks, I’ll let him know. By the way, I’ve never seen Jessica looking more beautiful. I think you’re the one to blame for that.”

“I sure hope so.”

The two men shook hands like they were long lost buddies. Male bonding was so screwy to her.

“Michael, why are you here?”

He grabbed her hand, but this time Dallas didn’t seem annoyed. “After our talk last night, I had to come see for myself. This is some town. There are more yummy men per capita in this backwater town than any other place I’ve been to in the world. I might have to buy a vacation home here.”

Dallas snorted. “There’s some guys in town who swing your way that I’m sure would be glad to show you around, buddy.”

Jessie shook her head and sent him a mocking glare. “Stop teasing Michael. Besides, he could never live in a place without a gay bar.”

“He wouldn’t have to.” The cowboy patted Michael on the shoulder. “It’s called Phase Three.”

“Cool,” her ex said. “You know a good real estate agent, Dallas?”

Jessie laughed. She was thrilled that they were hitting it off.

* * * *

Dallas had left moments ago to get the gear ready for the trip to the old mine, leaving Jessie alone with Michael. She was glad.

Michael was staying in another room at the hotel. The Hotel Cactus was nice, but it wasn’t the five-star accommodations her ex normally stayed at. She wondered what he thought about the place. Still, he was a pretty good sport about such things. Besides, he’d come to Wilde to make sure she was okay. He’d proven time after time that he would endure a plethora of inconveniences if it meant rescuing her. She loved him for that.

She and Michael sat in the hotel lobby, sipping the iced tea that Maude had brought them.

“How long are you here for, Michael?”

“Tonight only, but I could cancel my plans if you need me to stay.”

“Don’t do that. You can see I’m okay.”

“So I talked to your dad yesterday.” Michael rubbed his jaw.

Jessie tensed. “What did he have to say?”

Michael shrugged. “You know your dad. He didn’t say much. Just wondered where you were and how we were doing.”

“I know where you’re going with this. But I’m just not ready to tell him.”

“Jessica, this is crazy. It’s clear that you have a chance at a life in this town.”

“You really think I have a chance with Dallas and his brothers?” she asked.

“Why not? I know it’s not traditional. But who gives a damn. Look at me. I screwed up not only my life but much of yours by trying to be what everyone else wanted me to be. I should’ve just been true to myself. There are at least four of the five brothers that you’re interested in. If the others look anything like Dallas, I’m not surprised.”

“You are so pushing it.” She threw an ice cube at him.

Michael laughed. “I like what I am seeing in you. You are more alive than I’ve ever known you to be. You’re taking risks. You can’t stop smiling. Hell, you’re even glowing.”

“You’re quite the liar. I just don’t know. You’ve only met one of them.”

“Tell me. I want to know more.”

Jessie smiled. He knew more about her than anyone on the planet. She honestly loved him. “Well, Jackson is the youngest.”

“Right. He’s the one that took your virginity.” Michael grinned wickedly.
