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He shook his head and gave a faint smile. “In your condition, that doesn’t sound like a good idea.”

They stood up, heading for the door. She did her best to control her gait. She felt her knees were a bit weak, well actually, her legs felt like jelly. She couldn’t have been that drunk.

“You’re walking funny,” he remarked as they headed for the car.

“Just this wine thingy. That’s what I told you.”

“Would you like some tea to sober you up?”

“Can we just sit somewhere?”

“We’re near my place, if you don’t mind,” Justin suggested. “Perhaps you can take a rest there before I bring you back to your place.”

It was one of Justin’s three units in Malibu, all were at least thirty minutes away from her apartment.

She nodded, fighting to stay awake. Did people feel extra frisky when they were drunk? She didn’t say anything, afraid it would sound trivial or too forward. They headed for a ten-story building, and his unit was one of those two units that had a private elevator that led all the way to the penthouse. She was half asleep by the time they got to his two thousand square foot pad, replete with a baby grand piano, a one hundred eighty-degree view of the beach and sensor activated lights.

She stood at the door, amazed, feeling like her saliva was going to drop on the shiny marble floors. It looked like it came straight from the magazines. Her drunkenness had momentarily vanished.

“You live here?” she said, stepping in.

“Partially,” he replied. “Let me get you some water. Take a seat anywhere you like.”

The moment he returned with a glass of tepid water, he found her half asleep on the couch. “Mikaela, drink some water. I guess the wine was a bad idea, huh?”

“A little,” she slurred. “God this is embarrassing for our first date together.”

“It’s a little cute and a little annoying,” he said.

“Do you always do that to every girl you date?” she suddenly asked with a tone that said she was aggravated.

“Do what?”

“Act like a douche.”

He smiled and shook his head. “It depends on what kind of girl I’m dating.”

“So I’m special because you’re being brutally frank with me?”

“Because I said it was cute and annoying at the same time?” he began. “I do that to every woman I date. What’s the point of lying? It makes for a bad start.”

“You are such an asshole, you know that?” she said, standing up to take the glass of water from his hand.

“Well, you’re being pretty honest yourself,” he retorted, still sounding calm. Drunk women were as volatile as drunk men.

She drank the whole glass and out it down on a table, missing the coaster by a few inches. He looked at the round glass markings on the table with disdain and hoped the water wouldn’t leave a stain. She saw the look on his face.

“There you go again,” she said. “You give off that look that you think you’re better than everyone else.”

His eyes narrowed. Drunk people spoke the truth and that was her impression of him when they had only met a day before. Well, wasn’t she someone unique for starters? With her penchant for cursing and her easy laughter, he found himself drawn to her, amused, like a child that had seen something shiny and colorful for the first time.

He saw the thin strap on her shoulder slip down and he found himself aroused by this. He walked quickly, facing her and he held her arms tightly.

“What do you think you’re doing—?”

He cut her off,

grabbed her head softly and started kissing her. She resisted at first and then she moved her lips against his. One hand trailed down to her neck as Justin pressed himself against Mikaela. Their kisses grew ardent and hard. She gasped when his free hand found its way to one breast and he fondled it as they continued kissing.
