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That made him sit straight. Something was up. “Yes, how are they? I do miss the loud girls.”

His mother laughed. “They’re fine. Louisa and Beatrice, well, actually Beatrice is great.”

“All right, spill it, Mum,” he said.

“Beatrice is engaged!” his mother shrieked, it was so shrill that Justin momentarily jerked the phone away from his ear.

He blinked. His nineteen-year-old sister was engaged? “Are you sure?”

“What kind of question is that?” his mother reprimanded him. “You don’t sound happy.”

“I’m-I’m more of shocked,” he responded. “How did this happen?”

“Well, her boyfriend proposed,” his mother began with a drawl.


“He did.”

“Who is this prick?” he asked.

“He’s been dating Bea for two years, you’ve met the young man, Justin.”

He scanned his mind. He didn’t really bother remembering his sisters’ dates. Yes, Beatrice was in a long-term relationship. He was a nice fellow, with a penchant for archery. He was also still in college—Oxford, if he recalled correctly.

“With the son of the Leader of the House of Commons? What was his name? Gregory Murray?”

“Yes, Gregory.” His mother was delighted he remembered.

“Isn’t she a little too young for marriage? She hasn’t even finished school yet,” Justin snapped, closing his emails by accident. He almost cursed but he controlled himself. He didn’t like where this was going. Justin was overprotective of his sisters, no matter the distance.

“Oh pish posh,” his mother said. “I barely graduated by the time I married your father. Besides, the wedding’s not until a year from now.”

“You discussed this without me?”

“It’s an engagement, not a business proposal.”

“Where is Bea?”

“Out. I just couldn’t contain myself. She didn’t want me to tell you until a week from now when everything had settled down here.”

“I’d still find out.”

“She hasn’t posted pictures on Facebook yet.”

“I wouldn’t find out on Facebook. I don’t have that, remember?”

“Right. Well, I’d still tell you.”

“Where is this leading to?” he breathed.

“Well,” his mother began, “I was wondering if you’d take a week off to see us in England? Meet Gregory’s family for formality’s sake?”

Justin looked at the ceiling. The answer was predictable, even his mom knew it.


“Where are you?” he called her at half-past six.
