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“Why is that?” Victor chuckled and let his hands come to rest on her hips, not quite pushing her down.

“Because we can spend all night doing this, and neither of us has to get up in the morning,” he told her. Danielle sank down onto him, her wet heat wrapping around his aching, throbbing cock, her muscles flexing around him as she took him deeper and deeper, one inch at a time. Victor groaned against her neck, gripping her hips tightly, holding her still as he resisted the wave of pleasure that threatened to break free and rush through his body.

Then, when he was certain that he wasn’t about to come in an instant, Victor

loosened his grip on Danielle, and the two began to move together: Danielle rising and falling on him, riding him in a steady pace, while Victor rocked his hips up to meet her, letting his hands wander all over her body at the same time.

He cupped and squeezed her breasts, brought them to his mouth to suck and lick her hardened, dark nipples, and reached down between Danielle’s body and his occasionally to teasingly stroke her clitoris, finding it by touch between the slick folds wrapped around him.

While Victor teased Danielle, she kissed him everywhere she could reach, picking up the pace of her movements on top of him, taking him deeper and deeper inside of her body and moaning. He moved back up to her lips and kissed her hungrily as they moved together faster, their bodies hardening with tension as they both came closer and closer to orgasm.

Victor managed—barely—to hold himself back as he felt the tension growing in Danielle’s body, her inner walls flexing around him in increasingly erratic spasms as she rose and fell, riding him hard and fast. He slipped a hand between their bodies and found her clitoris by touch, rubbing and stroking it as Danielle rode him, spurring her on to the orgasm he could sense building up in her body. If she didn’t come soon, he knew, he wouldn’t have the ability to keep himself back from his own climax—and he didn’t want to be the one to come first.

The tension in Danielle’s body, wrapped around him, reached its breaking point finally, and Danielle moaned out long and low against Victor’s lips as her whole body briefly shook. She kept riding as her pussy flexed around Victor’s cock in spasms, and after a few moments of Danielle’s orgasm, Victor couldn’t hold back any longer, either.

He gave into the tension building up deep down between his hips, along his groin and—seemingly—in his balls as well and groaned against her neck and shoulder as the first wave of pleasure washed through him. He gave himself up to the sensations coursing through his nerves, holding onto Danielle’s hips as he thrust up into her hard and fast, deeper than he had before.

They both managed to keep things going between them as they came for what felt to Victor like an eternity; he kept thrusting up deep into Danielle’s body until he felt the tension between his hips begin to slack off, and he clung to her, holding her against him tightly as they both came to a gradual—but inevitable—stop.

He buried his face against her neck and shoulder, panting for breath, his cock still slightly hard inside of her body but not as erect as it had been before his climax. Danielle panted and gasped in his arms, slumped against him, her weight delicious on top of his body, and for a few moments neither of them said anything at all—they were both too caught up in the pleasure of the afterglow.

After a few moments, Danielle pulled back and Victor let himself slump against the back of the couch to look up at her, still a little breathless but about halfway recovered. “It’s not even fully dark yet,” Danielle commented with a little smile and Victor laughed.

“How many times do you think we can go at it tonight before we’re too exhausted to move?” Danielle considered the question, shifting on top of him, and Victor felt his cock beginning to stir. He never took more than a few minutes to get hard again with Danielle—and that was a good thing too, since she seemed to have just as healthy an appetite for sex as he did.

“I’m counting on at least five,” she replied finally, pulling back and looking into his eyes with a grin.

“That sounds doable,” Victor told her. “How big is your shower?”

Danielle chuckled lowly, kissing him lightly on the lips.

“I think it might be big enough for two—but I haven’t exactly tried it before there,” she replied. Victor rocked his hips up against hers quickly, catching her lips with his own as his hands began to wander over her body seemingly of their own will.

“We can make use of it,” he said. “And I definitely want to find out if your bed is as comfortable as I think it will be.” Danielle giggled and kissed him.

“It’s pretty comfortable for something that came out of a City Furniture catalogue,” she said. “Of course, it’s nothing compared to that giant thing you call a bed.” Victor snorted, holding onto Danielle’s body carefully as he leaned forward and to the side in order to be able to reach his abandoned wine glass. She caught on to what he was doing and almost overbalanced them both reaching for her own without leaving his lap.

They clinked glasses and sipped, and Victor thought the wine tasted even better after their sex—sweeter, more delicious somehow. He drained the glass and set it aside, and Danielle did the same. “I think it’s time for a shower,” he said. “We can get started on round two in there...and see where we end up.” Danielle grinned at him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“You know, I usually don’t put out on the first date,” she told him, slowly rising from on top of him, letting his half-hard cock slide out of her body. Victor groaned softly at the sensation of her wet heat leaving him, but he knew it would be all better again soon enough.

“I think I can manage not to judge you,” Victor said, watching her climb off of his lap and onto her feet on the floor. As always, it was a treat just to look at her: the deep color of her skin shining and gleaming just a bit with sweat, the not-quite-flat expanse of her belly, her heavy breasts capped with dark brown nipples, the heart-shaped patch of black and curling hair just above her bare labia, her long, strong legs. Everything about Danielle was delicious; she was like the human embodiment of a feast.

“Even though technically you put out before the first date.” Danielle rolled her eyes, a faint smile still lingering at the ends of her lips.

“You’d better not judge me,” she told him playfully, stretching and letting her head fall back against her shoulders, barely looking at him with that knowing gleam in her eyes. “At least, if you want to keep being able to have sex with me.” Victor rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around Danielle’s waist, kissing her lightly on the lips.

“I would do anything to be allowed to keep having sex with you,” he said.

“Good to know,” Danielle told him. She slithered free of his grip and then, surprising him a little, took his hand. “Now let’s get a shower.”


Danielle moved around her kitchen, humming to herself, washing the breakfast dishes. Victor had left maybe thirty minutes before, after one final tumble between the sheets, and she had given herself fifteen minutes to enjoy the blissful afterglow before getting up to take care of the mess they’d made together in the kitchen.

He’d suggested they order a delivery, or even go out for breakfast—but Danielle hadn’t wanted to get dressed, and she had everything she needed to make a quick meal of steak tips and eggs and toast. They had barely managed to finish eating before Victor had been on her, touching her everywhere—and he had gotten her turned on too quickly for her to even consider protesting the need to clean up the kitchen.

She had just finished rinsing out the cast-iron skillet she had used and wiped the inside down with some coconut oil to reinforce the cure when Danielle heard a knock at her door. “What the fuck?” Danielle frowned and glanced down at herself. She’d thrown on a night shirt and a pair of panties after Victor had left, and for a moment she thought that he might have come back—lured by the possibility of extending their date—and wondered if she should strip down and answer the door naked.
